Monday, October 18, 2010

Wooden Swing Sets Blueprints

Tavolo Regione Veneto e famiglie adottive


The Regional Councillor Social Policy, Remo Sernagiotto, has announced it will set up a consultation between the Veneto Region and adoptive families.

The consultation table between the Veneto Region and adoptive families will be a point of listening to the needs and suggestions from couples who live the experience of adoption.
The Regional Councillor for Social Policies Remo Sernagiotto announced that it will set up a consultation between the Veneto Region and adoptive families, taking due account of the needs and ideas directly from couples who live the experience of adoption. "We want to be connected with immediate families, to understand the needs of the area in this area "- said the Alderman, turning to Padua in the Sala Valeri, to a qualified audience of operators of public and private services (social workers, psychologists, and representatives of the 26 teams that adoptions are based in family planning clinics Veneto) authorities authorized the opening of the cycle of training sessions on "Adoption and the Venetian system adoption."

"Adoption - Sernagiotto remember - it is a social and human phenomenon that is increasingly important in recent years, particularly in the Veneto, has involved and continues to affect hundreds of pairs. In our region of the operational protocols are active che hanno coinvolto sia gli enti autorizzati del privato sociale sia il Tribunale per i minorenni di Venezia”. Nelle adozioni internazionali si ricorda che il Veneto è la seconda regione italiana dopo la Lombardia e che il maggior numero di minori stranieri adottati nel Veneto proviene dalla Federazione Russa.

Dai dati forniti dalla Commissione per le adozioni internazionali in relazione ai fascicoli dei minori stranieri autorizzati all’ingresso e alla residenza permanente nel nostro Paese a scopo di adozione, risulta che nel 2009 le coppie adottanti residenti in Veneto sono state 311, il 10,1% del totale delle coppie italiane. Per quanto riguarda le provincie venete si evidenzia che la provincia con il maggior numero di coppie adottanti è that of Verona, 66, Treviso 65, Padova 56, Vicenza and Venice with 49, while the provinces which have the largest percentage increases over the past three years are considered to be those of Belluno and Rovigo adopters with 13 pairs each. The adopted children in the Veneto region in 2009 were 342 out of a total of 3,964 Italian.

These children have been adopted by 3,082 couples, with an average of 1.29 children per couple. Over the years, the average number of children adopted by couples has been increasing: in 2008, each pair has taken on average 1.26 children. From a territorial point of view, the Lombard couples have requested permission to enter for the purpose of 740 foster children, the absolute highest, followed those Tuscan (362 requests), Lazio (358) and Veneto (342). In the period January to December 2009, notes that the country of origin of many adopted children in Veneto is the Russian Federation, with 93 minors allowed to enter, 27.2% of the total. Follow children from Ethiopia with 64 adoptions from Colombia with 32, Vietnam with 25 and India with 23.

official source
Veneto Region in Italy