Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Manual For John Deere 214 Lawn Tractor

E 'Casanova - The leading impersonator of Michael Jackson Michael

E 'Casanova is arguably the most sensational of Michael Jackson impersonator, in many respects. Among all, the physical likeness and movements.

Turning on Youtube, I came across a video titled "Lorella Cuccarini interview Michael Jackson" interview dating back to 1988. Intrigued, I watch the video and here's the surprise: Michael is not to be interviewed, but her most famous impersonator: E 'Casanova.

To my amazement, reading the comments to the video I realized that only a few were able to recognize Casanova, while the vast majority of people believed to be watching an old "appearance" Italian of Michael Jackson.

Here's the video in question:

With this post, I would like to contribute to the clarification: It is NOT Michael Jackson protagonista di questo video.
L'unica VERA apparizione di Michael ad una trasmissione italiana risale al 1997, al telegatti show, che potete vedere QUI .

Nonostante fosse incredibilmente somigliante al Michael - Bad Era, Casanova non poteva di certo riprodurre alla perfezione il suo particolarissimo stile di ballo, fatto di movimenti velocissimi e tecnicamente ineccepibili. Nel video in questione, alcuni tipici passi di Michael vengono eseguiti a destra invece che a sinistra (guardare il sec. 0:39). Tutti i movimenti eseguiti non sono "tecnicamente puliti" in quanto eseguiti a specchio, cioè riprodotti per IMITAZIONE dell'originale.

Cosa più importante, sono le risposte che il finto Michael dà applications made to it. One in particular: 'It is true that, thanks to the care to which you submit, you want to live to 150 years? ". Answer: "At least 150 years."
At that time, it was said that Michael was sleeping in a hyperbaric chamber for not age: DENIAL rumor several times by the same Michael.

is this: the real Michael Jackson would never have an answer like that. Unfortunately, his life has always had to fight against false rumors, including that of all "white" skin. Rumors that have deeply marked, in persecuting all his life until his death.

that's why the video is NOT Michael Jackson.

I leave you with the original, thanks for letting me read.


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