auction syringe that killed our Michael ...
Maybe put up for auction with a price base of five million dollars a lethal syringe that killed him last June, the King of Pop.
has not yet reached the anniversary of the artist's death, but the auctions are being followed with incessant rhythms and, as is now evident, with nuances rather bleak.
Maybe because it was already sold everything that could be sold, the famous sequined glove that Michael wore on the night he was born the famous dance step, the "Moonwalk", the hair burned, up to the treasures that same collection, often putting a strain on its own finances. The gruesome
sale would take place precisely on June 25, to mark the first anniversary of his death.
The fury is tinged with morbid tones of gruesome and baffling now they are doing not only discuss the billions of Jacko fans around the world, but also the family, that although he never disdained the business flourished thanks the death of the star and has fostered a vast process of commodification, now he rails against the last worthless found, in order to stop any possible way with the sale.
The investigation currently has only one guilty, Conrad Murrey, Jackson's personal physician, the same that would have injected the lethal anesthetic in high doses.
The doctor is now accused of omicidio colposo e quella che potrebbe essere una prova determinante al fine di chiarire meglio le terribili modalità della vicenda, è stata trafugata al fine di essere venduta su chissà quale cuscino rosso e a chissà quale leso mentale.
Pare che la siringa non sia più necessaria per la prosecuzione delle indagini, tuttavia le conseguenze che una simile vendita potrebbe avere a livello mondiale, sono a dir poco devastanti.
Oltre che ad essere un’azione di pessimo gusto, infatti, si andrebbe a creare un discutibile precedente, senza contare l’oltraggio alla memoria di un uomo scomparso in circostanze ancora non del tutto chiare.
Non è dato sapere a chi potrebbe interessare l’arma of the crime, if not usual collector of hideous trophies, what most disturbing is the continuing sorry and violence on a man who has now departed this life and that was loved and still love you for many, in which the memory will always remain alive and unchanged.
Respect for man should be put before the obsession for the artist, which, apparently, it can very difficult for those living in the obsession and passion for a genre, a field, a current, a philosophy or, in more severe cases, an artist.
But what concerns the distinction between a fan and a mental patient is not covered by these lines, which have The sole purpose of remembering a great innovator who is now once again offended by vile gestures, foolish and devoid of any morals.
No matter what good or bad and right and wrong has this man could do in life, will always remain a pioneer in the Art of Music and Dance. For this we want to remember and not a syringe that is now exposed as a dismal trophy.
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