Saturday, January 8, 2011

Fortune investment ltd


The crisis reached the place is there for all to see. Italy of Values \u200b\u200bis not indented so sterile polemics.

Let's just say we do not like tricksy to the detriment of citizens.

Because of the composition of un gruppo politico nato durante la legislatura,  la controversia è solo determinata dalla voglia di contare in giunta, legittima aspirazione, s’intende, ma povera nei contenuti perché pone, quale contromisura, la sfiducia al suo leader eletto precedentemente.

Che gioco è? Ciò che sta avvenendo il cittadino lo legge solo in un modo. Ciò lo  si può sintetizzare, in parole povere, con una semplice frase. E’ come se si dicesse : “siamo pronti  a sfiduciare il sindaco  ma se ci concede un assessorato lo sosteniamo. “

And 'maybe this is the meaning of the objection in place? The all say about the seriousness of the request!

should then have courage. What is the problem? It 'a junta to send home because it worked badly or is a council that even though he has worked badly, it can offer concessions?

I think it would be proper and the adoption of a comprehensive behavioral logic that links closely to the motivations that should have anyone who goes in politics, that is to work for the common good.

And then demand that FLI can do, where you find the courage to assess negatively the actions of the junta, just to give you the confidence without asking anything in return for drawing the attention of citizens at little disappointed with respect to various issues dealt with or addressed only with propagandists.

reformist Socialists did so in no uncertain terms. Even if late they realized the inefficiency and anti-democratic authority, ultimately, reveals for the case "SORI.

Lo facciano anche gli esponenti di F.L.I. e contribuiscano a dare luce al futuro di questa città, oggi annebbiata dalla falsa civicità coperta dall’ombra berlusconiana.


                    Salvo ARDITA

     coordinatore provinciale IdV Prato



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