boom of Chinese children
ROME (22 September) - A year and a half ago, the first arrivals. And now is almost a boom for Chinese children adopted in Italy, already a hundred by March 2009, when they entered our country in the first bambini italiani con gli occhi a mandorla.
«Sono cifre importanti, molto buone» nel panorama delle adozioni internazionali, dicono concordemente i tre enti italiani autorizzati in Cina (Aibi, Ciai, Cifa onlus) che contano, al momento, circa 250 coppie in attesa di figli adottivi dal Paese del Sol Levante. Qualche decina di queste coppie, soddisferanno le loro aspettative entro l'anno. Con la Cina, l'Italia ha stipulato un accordo bilaterale in tema di adozioni. E questi sono i primi risultati.
Unico neo, i tempi. In Cina per le adozioni vige un doppio canale per altrettante liste di bambini adottabili. C'è un canale normale (per bambini sani e piccoli) e quello per gli “special needs”, “bisogni Special, "which are included older children (from 7-8 years old) or with underlying conditions or problems. For the latter list, the waiting times are short, even 6-8 months for the first no less than three years.
Apart from the top 20, they arrived in Italy only children "special needs". And so it will be until at least 2013. They are children of school age or ill. For the most part have no serious diseases and can be overcome, for example, are born with cleft lip, cardiac disease with reversible or deformed limbs that require surgery. From Italian couples, also appropriately selected and prepared, the willingness to accept a child with a problem is not an obstacle.
institutions are convinced that once you are in the scheme, after the first three years, the number of Chinese children who will become Italians could be respectable and compete with countries like Colombia and Ukraine are among the countries at the time of where the greatest number of children adopted.
"It's a country that bodes well - says Gianfranco Arnoletti, President of CIFA non-profit organization that initiated the relationship with China in 2010 and presently 38 records have been taken - the rest of the Chinese numbers are big. It should also be said that relations are good, fair, accurate. " "It works very well with China - Notes Graziella Teti, head of adoptions Ciai (24 Chinese children adopted) - are organized, standardized procedures and the uncertainties do not exist.
However, in contrast to these positive aspects, it happens that when faced with more requests for information, for example, the physical condition of the child's difficulties arise because the request comes from the usual. Compared to the number of adoptions, which is now very high for us, Italy is in line with developments in other countries. " Among other things - he continues - "China is the country that allows the greatest number of adoptions, about 3,500 a year. For this there is a large crowd of claims and long waiting lists. A scheme to increase the numbers significantly. "
It takes time to get up to speed. "In these days - Notes Monica Colombo, responsabile adozioni dell'Aibi (36 gli adottati cinesi; a fine settimana saranno 38) - sappiamo dal Centro cinese adozioni che stanno abbinando bambini a pratiche inoltrate nel maggio 2006.
Per il momento il numero di bambini adottati in Italia è molto buono ma è migliorabile. La Cina potrebbe diventare il primo paese di origine di bambini adottati in Italia. Anche le procedure sono buone, sono di tipo amministrativo e non giudiziario, le coppie restano nel paese solo 18-20 giorni».
Purtroppo i costi sono alti. Oltre alle spese di viaggio, alloggio e vitto, fino 9-10 mila euro per i complessi spostamenti interni, le offerte pseudoturistiche (agli aspiranti genitori sono proposte visite in siti artistici) e donazioni all'istituto.
SOURCE: The Haunting
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