Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Scrapbook Catalog Pdf


Questa sera su Striscia la Notizia è andato in onda un servizio sulle adozioni internazionali in Romania, l'attuale presidente ha dichiarato che finchè è lui in carica l'attuale legge non verrà cambiata e quindi la Romania non riaprirà le porte alle adozioni.
L'inviato went into one of the many institutions, defeating reticence and fears and was able to interview some of the guys "guests", they testified that within the structure always, the days pass without doing anything marked only by the terrible punishment and barrel, they (the children interviewed were aged 16-17 years) was always told that the families wanted to adopt them and then harvested organs to disencentivarli by the desire to be adopted.
One of the boys shows a dossier that documents the adoption of his theory in 1992 when she was 7 years by an Italian couple, by that time the couple has made eighty cases in order to complete the adoption, and then embrace the child (almost adult), all cases won, and all documented, but the boy has never managed to leave Romania!
Tomorrow the second part airs on Channel 5 and at 20:35 hours the first part should be downloaded from the program.
Everything is designed to sensitize the public opionion, to make people aware of the situation in order to be able to do something because this absurd law is repealed.


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