Friday, March 11, 2011
Port Royale 2 Patch
Oh well ... this game is very curious and therefore fits perfectly into the games worthy of my personal attention.
Yes, because in Rock of Ages (Atlus strategic) have to be careful ... a giant stone balls, and to better defend our castle using weapons and obstacles of various kinds. But we can also use the stone and break all the strength that we will find in front of the "stony passage." Also provided support to online.
The whole thing is topped with a truly original graphics and fairly well done, considering that this is a game designed for digital services.
Here a video debut, which shows decisively the meglio cosa incontro con andremo issues folle game ...
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Prendetelo rumor eat, sleep le fonti non so right ... Fatto sta che ma sarebbe stato scoperto qualche so in complete roster il che dei Personaggi 9 comporranno Mortal Kombat: Scorpion
Sub-zero Liu Kang Kung Lao
Rayden Sonya Jax
Sektor Cyrax Smoke
(human )
Baraka Sheeva Kabal
Kano Shang Tsung
Kitana Mileena Jade
Ermac Noob Saibot Quan Chi
Cyber \u200b\u200bSub-Zero Goro
Kintaro Shao Khan
then 30 characters, 31 in the ps3 version with the inclusion of Kratos. It will be all right? We can do is wait
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back to appear in the video game role of obsidian and does so with a video showing the various aspects of co-op.
The video is available after the break, as always
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Killzone 3 back to appear in video and makes an interesting comparison between 2D and 3D technique. The most
net that you can see the difference in frames per second recorded: 30 fps for the 2D version, from 24 to about 28 fps for the version in 3D graphics. Whilst it is accepted that the differences are very subtle, what do you think?
Tradutor School Building
three new gameplay video of the forthcoming action game exclusive to PS3. They show that both phases of combat gameplay phases of these mini-games ... and maidens, of course.
The first video is also a review IGN and of course, includes many gameplay moments. Here it
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Heavy patch for Killzone 3, which should fix some bugs (including the infamous 10002, 8001 and 8013) and change some practical aspects of the game pure.
is the complete log:
Killzone 3 - Patch 1.04 Changes and New Functionality:
Network Lag fixes and fixes for network errors 10002, 8001 and 8013 Gameplay
Players now have more stamina by default. But the Sprint length is Increased recharge timer has been adjusted to compensate
Mortally wounded players no longer have collision. Alive players should now be able to traverse the levels without getting stuck on mortally wounded players
Medic's revive cool-down reduced from 25 to 10 seconds
Increased range from where friendly players can be revived - player can be revived from 20 meters now
Guerrilla Warfare games now last 15 minutes and it takes 100 kills instead of 50 to win
Improvements to party creation server load
Show envelope icon to indicate that player has received message
Rewards panel in post game screen now auto-scrolls
Botzone is now paused when player goes to start menu
Single click squad invite
Enhanced idle detection code in menu, the player isn’t spawned if he’s still pressing buttons
Several security, anti hack and cheat fixes
Killzone 3 – Patch 1.04 Bug Fixes
Fix for an occasional crash bug when in the Credits screen and transitioning straight into Multiplayer via a Invite
Fix for potential hang when players migrate between maps
Player can retain crouched collision after deploying jetpack
The Assassination Executioner medals only count Deadly Assassin kills, not Executioner kills
Cloak kills with weapons that break cloak now count towards medal for Cloak levels 1 and 2.
Global - Medic’s Triage droids now disappear when player quits out of game
Cloak/Disguise cannot be removed manually by accident anymore
Fix for rumble in Exo being over-powered and out of sync
Fix for Silent Footsteps remaining active after choosing other skill and removed from the personal stats menu
Exploit - Akmir Snowdrift - Player can reach the boat by using an ammo box to exit the intended boundaries
Disc eject now handled more gracefully
Clan– Fix for player quitting and re-joining a tournament, they may re-enter a tournament alone
DLC 1 ‘Little Big Weapons’ Trophy does now counts rocket launcher and StA2
Find game – Operations - Mode description - Spelling issue fixed
Friends: Fix for Clan tags being displayed for a max of nine players despite the number of player that are in the clan
Fix for incorrect message given when attempting to join a Clan Game that an online friend is taking place in
Spawn-screen – Fix for when the extra Primary Weapon skill is equipped, the weapon description goes out of sync
Accolades do now show subsequently
When receiving a squad invite from a player in another match, there is now a warning that the player will leave his current game.
Scramble detailed range and in-game range now match properly
The Spot and Mark description in the unlock menu is now correct
Fix for when the player presses the SQUARE button when a player that is in their game is highlighted in the squad lobby menu they receive the message ‘You cannot join a play that is not in a game.’
Turn off animations for the squad list to avoid it becoming unreadable every time a rebuild occurs when voice chat is activated
Fix for when trying to join a friend without the required DLC pack, the message will tell the player they are part of a squad.
Fix for the message informing the player they are attempting to join a DLC game without the required DLC content installed reading better
Increased Accuracy & Faster Reload Ribbons now update in the personal statistics screen.
Practice Parts Of Cube Field
Mentre tutti noi amanti di questo bel gioco dobbiamo ancora vedere un pò di "ciccia", da oggi possiamo però cominciare a racimolare il gruzzolo necessario per poterlo acquistare... Warner Bros ha ufficializzato infatti la data di uscita, fissandola per il prossimo 21 ottobre.
E ora, fate vedere qualcosa
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Molti fan europei del gioco erano certamente in trepidazione, in quanto non sapevano ancora una data certa in territorio europeo per questo sparatutto... ma è tutta roba che ha a che fare con il passato.
Il presente dice che il gioco uscirà ufficialmente nei negozi europei il prossimo 20 aprile 2011. Il giorno dopo, il 21, sarà il turno dei negozi Australiani e neozelandesi, 22 will be released in the UK and Ireland. Soon also should get news for the beta release, still regard the Europeans in this case.
The news comes straight through the official PlayStation Europe twitter account, you can see the tweet reference to this web address:
Leg Tendonitis More Condition_symptoms
Role playing? I like it.
Rainbow Moon is just an RPG, developed by eastasiasoft (the makers of delicious Soldner-X) and is the exclusive ps3. These are its specifications:
- History intriguing that will take about 25 hours of gameplay, but with absurd peak of 100 hours to complete all sub-quests.
- the world open in isometric view, with 15 different locations.
- The combat system is turn-based and on a grid system, something apparently very similar to Vandal Hearts or the latest Disgaea.
- Presents puzzle, 20 "challenge dungeon" and 50 missions.
- Six playable characters, upgradeable weapons and items.
- online functionality, but only with respect to tracking their statistics.
- No loading, 60 frames per second.
- 30 dedicated music tracks.
- release date set by the end of 2011.
Personally, I expect an RPG just like the ones I mentioned about ... a game in 2D, but well made, should be allocated to the NDP.
But then again, I like
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Scabies More Condition_symptoms
introduced yesterday to the holders Ps Plus, the service bonus online storage of your game saves seem to have any little edge.
It seems that not everyone all games are supported: right now there are only two games in the black list, and this is the RPG Enchanted Arms and the bizarre Afrika. The mini
list was released by SCEA own, so there will be a presumption that all other games non abbiano nessun tipo di problema.
Il post però è aperto per ricevere segnalazioni su eventuali compatibilità
Diabetes More Condition_symptoms Back Pain
Rilasciata la lista trofei dell'atteso sparatutto THQ. Come al solito lascio i trofei nascosti come tali, in modo da non rovinarvi possibili spoiler :
Why We Fight
Complete chapter 1 in the Single Player Campaign.
Complete chapter 2 in the Single Player Campaign.
Fire Sale
Complete chapter 3 in the Single Player Campaign.
The Wall
Complete chapter 4 in the Single Player Campaign.
Complete chapter 5 in the Single Player campaign.
Complete chapter 6 in the Single Player Campaign.
Why We Fight- Guerilla
Complete chapter 1 on the Hardest Difficulty in the Single Player Campaign.
Freedom- Guerilla
Complete chapter 2 on the Hardest Difficulty in the Single Player Campaign.
Fire Sale- Guerilla
Complete chapter 3 on the Hardest Difficulty in the Single Player Campaign.
The Wall- Guerilla
Complete chapter 4 on the Hardest Difficulty in the Single Player Campaign.
Heartland- Guerilla
Complete chapter 5 on the Hardest Difficulty in the Single Player Campaign.
Iron Man- Why We Fight
Complete chapter 1 in the Single Player Campaign without dying or restarting a checkpoint.
Iron Man- Freedom
Complete chapter 2 in the Single Player Campaign without dying or restarting a checkpoint.
Iron Man- Fire Sale
Complete chapter 3 in the Single Player Campaign without dying or restarting a checkpoint.
Iron Man- The Wall
Complete chapter 4 in the Single Player Campaign without dying or restarting a checkpoint.
Iron Man- Heartland
Complete chapter 5 in the Single Player Campaign without dying or restarting a checkpoint.
Find 30 of 61 News Pickups in the Single Player Campaign.
Pistol Whipped
Kill 25 enemies with a pistol in Chapter 1: Why We Fight.
Give Him the Stick
Kill 25 enemies with melee attacks in Chapter 1: Why We Fight.
Bronze Welcome to Freedom
Talk at least once to each inhabitant of Oasis in Chapter 2: Freedom
Good Use of Cover
Destroy the first sentry without taking any damage in Chapter 2: Freedom.
Kill 5 enemies while they are on fire in Chapter 3: Fire Sale.
Let 'em Burn
Don't kill any of the enemies that are on fire in Chapter 3: Fire Sale.
David Rejected
Complete the street section without Goliath taking any damgage in Chapter 4: The Wall.
Find the first of 61 News Pickups.
Stairway to Heaven
From the front door of the church, make it to the crow's nest in 240 seconds in Chapter 5: Heartland.
Speed Demon
Hijack the tankers in less than 8 minutes in one life in Chpater 6: Overwatch.
Safer Skies
Destroy all the SAM trucks in the level in Chapter 6: Overwatch.
Weapon Expert
Complete an expert challenge for any weapon in Multiplayer.
Drone Expert
Complete an expert challenge for any drone in Multiplayer.
Vehicle Expert
Complete an expert challenge for any vehicle in Multiplayer
Squad Commander
Enter a public match as the Party Leader of a 4-Player Minimum Party in Multiplayer.
Medal of Honor
Win a public match as the Party Leader of a Party in Multiplayer.
Overwatch- Guerrilla
Complete chapter 6 on the Hardest Difficulty in the Single Player Campaign.
Iron Man- Overwatch
Complete chapter 6 in the Single Player Campaign without dying or restarting a checkpoint.
Over the Hill
Reach experience level 50 in Multiplayer.
Full Boat
Enter a public match in a Party with 16 players in Multiplayer
3-Star Threat
Find all 61 News Pickups in the Single Player Campaign.
Expert of War
Complete all challenges for weapons, drones, vehicles and modes in Multiplayer.
5-Star Threat
Become a 5-Star Threat in a Battle Commander public match
Platinum Trophy
Complete all other trophies for Homefront.
Alpenlite Alpine Trailer
Ancora aggiornamenti sul tristissimo caso LG, e stavolta dovrebbe davvero chiudersi tutto.
Sony ha infatti vinto la causa legale contro il colosso coreano e le 300.000 Playstation 3 bloccate per la distribuzione europea dovranno quindi immediatamente arrivare nei negozi specializzati di riferimento. LG dovrà inoltre pagare 130.000 € a sony per le spese processuali e la bellezza di 200.000 € di multa per ogni giorno supplementare di ritardo sulle consegne delle console.
E chiudiamo presto questa vicenda... CLICCAMI per sapere tutti gli sviluppi
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Un nuovo particolare trailer di Yakuza 4, potremmo definirlo una sorta di trailer di lancio... ed effettivamente manca davvero poco alla sua uscita in terra occidentale.
Ecco il video :
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Bethesda tells us that the new episode of the hit series will be in a sense a return to the past and more specifically the time of Morrowind, the third episode of the series released back in 2002.
"In Skyrim you have the feeling of being an alien placed in a vast world to be discovered, each new step will be a discovery, but also a potential risk. Oblivion was more similar to Oblivion (the second episode released in 1996) and we set a more classical approach, however, sacrificing what made Morrowind a memorable game. "
A new look that makes it so the game is quite different from its predecessor.
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It is shown in a first gameplay video dedicated to Transformers the action game ... As always you can view it after the break:
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The new episode of the game, designed exclusively for Ps move, will be released in stores next summer 2011.
15 levels of play, 500 monkeys to catch and many different mini-games will make the boss in this fun and colorful action game.
Here is the video debut:
Monday, March 7, 2011
Brazilian Wax Gallery
January 19, 2011
Robert Angelillo (PE): "abandoned children is a very serious problem not only in the third world"
"With today's vote, the House of Strasbourg has demonstrated that protecting children's rights is a priority of European Union ', "said the Vice-President of the European Parliament (with responsibility for children's rights) Roberta Angelilli, who presented this morning the resolution in respect of Intercountry Adoption, signed in bipartisan level from all political groups dell'Europarlamento.
"The plight of abandoned children, orphans or street children - explains Angelilli Vice President - not only about the third world, but it has become an extremely serious problem and of great relevance in Europe: the adoption allows these children to have a family and not to spend their childhood in orphanages and social workers. The institutions should in fact be a temporary solution for children. Especially the adoption of these children can not become invisible and finish in the circuit of poverty, social exclusion and exploitation. "
"in the text - he explains - is forcefully explained that the interest of the child must always be preserved, so when the conditions are right, under the strict supervision of the competent national authorities, the adoptability must be given: first in the country of origin and then in the European Union. "
"I would stress that even if jurisdiction in respect of Intercountry Adoption is open to any Member State, the resolution proposes some new aspects in this respect: the invitation to the Commission to examine the functioning of national systems in Europe and the proposal to create a coordination between the Commission and Member States to exchange best practices and strategies in order to obtain maximum cooperation from all countries and ensure both the right to adopt is the maximum transparency, thereby avoiding illegal adoption. "
"It is also important by the institutions Ue un impegno a semplificare, migliorare e agevolare le procedure di adozioni internazionali, eliminando la burocrazia superflua e cercando soluzioni giuridiche volte a facilitare tra Stati Membri il riconoscimento reciproco dei documenti necessari alle adozioni, insieme ad uno scrupoloso e corretto controllo di tutti i documenti, compresi i certificati di nascita che aiutano a proteggere il minore da violazioni circa la sua identità”, concludono i Vice Presidenti Angelilli e Pittella.
di Benedetta Verrini
fonte "" 19/01/2011
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Il Paese in coda all'Ue. In Olanda l'occupazione sale al secondo bimbo. In tutta la zona Euro l'occupazione femminile è scesa dello 0,6 per cento tra il 1999 e il 2009
Mamme italiane senza aiuti Lavora soltanto una su due
Il Paese in coda all'Ue. In Olanda l'occupazione sale al secondo bimbo. In tutta la zona Euro l'occupazione femminile è scesa dello 0,6 per cento tra il 1999 e il 2009
BRUXELLES - Perfino nell'Europa del 2011, sembra che alla condizione di donna si accompagni un danno oggettivo, un'oggettiva difficoltà di vivere. Questo dicono i dati che l'Eurostat, l'istituto incaricato di tradurre in cifre la nostra vita, ha scodellato in vista dell'8 marzo, festa mondiale delle donne: in tutti i 27 Paesi dell'Unione Europea, il tasso di occupazione femminile diminuisce con l'aumentare del numero dei figli, mentre for men the opposite is true. The case of Italy
The family with its load is therefore a factor detrimental to women's work, and you knew this all along. As it was known that the penalty is relieved, as the mother can count on nursery schools or other public assistance: not available kindergartens, mothers less able to retain their jobs. But the second is given, what is most striking: the two countries, above all, in which women aged 25 to 54 years is more difficult to work with children, are Malta and Italy. To confirm the statistical mercilessly dissects the different household types. Here are some examples on the fly: women without children, 75.8 per cent of EU average employment; Germany 81.8, Finland 83.2, and gradually all other countries; taillights Italy (63.9) and Malta (56.6). Mothers with a child: EU average 71, 3, France 78, Britain 75, 61.3 Greece, Italy and Malta 45.7 59. Mothers with two children: EU average 69.2, Belgium 77.2, France 78, Slovenia 89, 1, Finland 83.3, and so on, breaking down the list: Italy 54.1, and Malta, 37, 4. Panorama confirmed by column dedicated to mothers with 3 or more children: EU average 54.7, Belgium 61, 7, 71.3 The Netherlands, and Italy? A plunge down wholesale: In this category, it is occupied only 41.3% of women (again, surpassed only by the Maltese to worse: 29.6%).
If we expanded the vision to all women's employment, the overall picture is just as gray: wherever the woman works less than the man, and throughout the Euro-zone female employment has dropped by an average of 0.6% 1999 to 2009, but in Italy has declined even more: -1.2%. Not only that. There is another statistic, which takes account of the 'rate of economic inactivity: people not looking for a job, people outside the labor market. In 2009, the EU, in this condition were 8.7 million men and 23.4 million women, respectively 8, 2% and 22.1% of the total. But even here, large differences for women, the rate of inactivity was stuck at 13% in Sweden or Denmark, but jumped to 35.5% in Italy, and 51.1% in Malta. Another position in Europe in the queue. Poisonous fruit of old prejudices, "the woman should think of the children" and so on? It does not appear in Spain, one of the most traditionalist countries, has halved in 30 years the number of those who believe in the polls right this statement.
More likely, the experts agreed in Brussels, the crisis began in 2008 hit more than the weaker: it rains in the wet, in fact.
"Women, you can change" on women's issues
The Camusso
The trend
There is also some sorpresa, nella fotografia scattata dall'Eurostat: se è vero che la presenza dei figli tira ovunque verso il basso gli indici dell'occupazione femminile, in alcune nazioni - Olanda, Finlandia, Ungheria - la tendenza sembra invertirsi quando al primo figlio ne segue un secondo, o un terzo; l'ipotesi è che la giovane madre, dopo il primo anno di crisi, riesca a riassestarsi forse anche con l'aiuto di nonne o di zie, e superi poi il secondo parto molto più pronta ad affrontare gli stress del ritorno al lavoro. Ma vi sono anche nazioni, come il Belgio o la Slovenia - note per i buoni e numerosi asili nido - dove il tasso di occupazione femminile resta invariato anche con uno o due bambini in casa, e comincia a calare soltanto dopo il terzo figlio.
As for men with families, theirs is a path exactly opposite: the more dependent children (up to at least two), the greater the rate of employment. Experts do not provide an explanation in this case, merely to bring the figures: a man with a son, EU average 87.4% (Italy 88%), a man with two children, average 90.6 EU (Italy 91.1) , a man with three or more children, 85.4 EU average (87.7 Italy). Once again Europe declined in the masculine seems to offer an easier life, or easier.
Louis Offeddu
Source: Corriere della Sera
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MILAN - "Mom you are beautiful like a rose rainbow" James writes in a note for the adoptive mother. And James (real name) is a child like any other. 8 years old, lives in Milan, goes to school, he attended the catechism. It only seems doomed never to have a family. Eight years have already left twice without a mother and next Tuesday, barring unforeseen circumstances, it will be private for the third time. The juvenile court determined that the adoptive parents, two doctors who had adopted in 2004 and that they are separating, they are not able to train him and ordered his removal in a foster home.
So Tuesday morning, his mother, eye specialist for 46 years, will accompany him to social services, will give him a kiss and go away. For a month, the child non potrà vedere i genitori, ma solo sentirli al telefono una volta a settimana. Un provvedimento per il suo bene: ma così per la terza volta Jacopo dovrà dire addio a quella che credeva la sua casa. Fin dalla nascita ha dovuto fare i conti con l'abbandono: la donna che lo ha dato alla luce, a Donetsk, in Ucraina, lo ha abbandonato in ospedale. Una famiglia ucraina lo ha adottato, ma poi riportato in istituto.
A ventuno mesi, l'incontro con i suoi genitori adottivi: mamma oculista, papà neurochirurgo. Il matrimonio però è andato in crisi, il padre si è allontanato per due anni da casa e al ritorno sono esplosi gravi conflitti, sfociati anche in due denunce nei confronti del padre da parte della madre.
A scuola le maestre hanno notato un peggioramento nel comportamento di Jacopo e hanno informato i servizi sociali, che per un anno lo hanno seguito mentre lui restava a vivere con la mamma, che oggi si dispera: «Io non ho commesso nessun reato e oggi ci separano. Che danni psicologici gli procurerà l'essere sradicato per la terza volta?». Della stessa opinione l'avvocato Francesco D'Andria, che la assiste: «Il provvedimento del giudice non è condivisibile perché dovrebbe essere adottato in extrema ratio quando ci sono situazioni di estremo disagio.
Riteniamo che la signora sia una buona madre e che la sua condotta non possa arrecare un pregiudizio al minore».
La storia di Jacopo s'incrocia con altre adozioni internazionali failed. A few weeks ago a family from Milan has "returned" two Polish girls taken only a month ago. In 2009 in Milan were adopted 367 children from around the world, only 120 are small Italians who have found a new family. The procedure for national adoption is in fact very complex: After careful evaluation, the judges choose the best pair. In the case of international adoptions can happen that the information on the history of the child are not as accurate.
source: Giovanna Maria Fagnani March 4, 2011 \u2060
Friday, March 4, 2011
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Ascione on Fri, 04/03/2011 - 16:20
On 01/03/2011, entered into force in the Veneto Region, the Decree 461 was abolished with the bonus system for undergraduate courses information and awareness to international adoption.
Bodies Protocol, will apply the new provisions of the Decree 461 until 30/06/2011, after which, in the absence of funding from the Region, the Government will be forced to charge the full amount of During the prospective adoptive couples.
(From the website of the news section NOVA)
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Pasquale Petrella
PRATO - disappear from the televisions in hospital rooms to socialize and appear as a fee (1.5 € per day per patient) in the rooms of patients. The situation that is occurring in hospital were reported to representatives of Italy of Values \u200b\u200bfrom patients worried by the fact that it can no longer benefit from free public television rooms in front of the units. The leader of IDV in the municipal council, Aurelio Donzella, has promptly submitted a question time on the subject for the Department of Health, Dante Mondanelli. The question is not arrived at the City Council because the president Bettazzi, in agreement with Mondanelli, have determined that the issue not invest in the skills of the Councillor for Health on how to run by the local health situation. "A very strange behavior that the councilor who refuses to even respond on why the City Council can not do anything to meet the patients who would like to see public television without having to pay the offering the company that got the contract - Aurelio says Donzella - will mean that person will speak with the director general of ASL 4 to try to prevent it from being removed from the TV rooms to socialize and try to involve the Centre for the rights of sick people who should care about this service is effectively eliminated. "
Thursday, March 3, 2011
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You call me ignorant, I'll call it experience
to take in the ass I have enough already!
Why not see a place I know, I can not shake, or die! Why can not I see
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, non so morire!
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, I can not die!
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, I can not die!
I've got enough to hear what I'm missing
You call me ignorant, I'll call it experience
to take in the ass I have enough already!
Why not see a place I know, I can not shake, or die! Why
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, non so morire!
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Denice Milani Wikipedia
Di Pasquale Petrella
CARMIGNANO - The architect Aurelio di Carmignano Imbrogno has been named regional head of the Department of Urban Italy of Values. Imbrogno, who already has experience as an administrator for being alderman in the town of Montemurlo, for several years where he lives in Carmignano in this period has been actively involved in the Committee on Public Works and Urban Development and Environment to prepare the program of the center-left coalition that supports Doriano Cirri for mayor. "I am very happy with the assignment entrusted to me the region that my party, but at this time are particularly focused on the job in the two committees that are drafting the program for the next term in Carmignano - the architect says Imbrogno - We're working hard, listening to the people who invite you to continue to bring their thoughts and their contributions. There are new ideas, especially about the environment, environmental sustainability and alternative energy. I think we will do a program leading to Carmignano and I hope to bring this experience right from the start of the political project also Carmignano Italy of Values \u200b\u200bat the regional level. "
"The participation of citizens is vital and I hope that many others bring their ideas to the two committees that make reference to the mayor and deputy mayor Cirri outgoing Aldridge. "
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
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Tuesday, February 22, 2011
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LAWN - The crisis of Sasch, the company that makes reference to the mayor's center-Prato, Robert Work, with its one hundred and seventy million euro of debt is coming to an end. Maybe it will end with the agreed or perhaps close with failure. Two things seem certain, however, having regard to the disproportionate amount of debt accumulated in recent years by: 1) on one side shines the inability of farmers driving, 2) the responsibility of the other shows at least one or more banks that have made a reckless lending to the Sasch. The company is in a liquidity crisis for several years and then the banks, especially those most exposed to the group today, they could not know. Indeed, the accusation that the court could move them, would be that the granting of credit abuse. A reckless financing that, if recognized, could also recognize the fraud on the part of those who decided to finance hedging this with mortgages on capital goods company, but knowing Sasch that it could never return to the other small creditors. A crisis that is penalizing then driven mainly small artisans and entrepreneurs who have worked with Sasch and not collected. If the authorization of Prato open a criminal file on this matter is very likely that in addition to the family place can be called to account even some big bank.
In this regard, I suggest reading a part of the book by Valentina Piccinini entitled "The relationship between banks and customers. Asymmetry and abusive conduct. "
The responsibility of the bank to grant credit abuse occurs when the bank, in violation of the rules governing the activity of credit and that require sistituti credit to implement a sound and prudent management and therefore especially careful assessment of the creditworthiness of the subject meritevolezza benefited lavishes credit continues to lavish credit to a person not deserving because they are already insolvent or potentially insolvent.
This conduct of the bank causes a delay in the declaration of bankruptcy or and undue prolongation of the presence of a subject decoction on the market with consequent damage that occurs simultaneously on these two subjects. On the one hand the creditors affected by an undue increase in the liabilities of the state and that affected their freedom of contract a causa dell'apparente solvibilità ingenerata dall'incauto finanziamento, persistono in rapporti obbligatori o concludono contratti con un soggetto in realtà tutto altro che solvibile. Dall'altro lato, la condotta della banca cagiona danno anche alla stessa impresa che ha reiteratamente ricevuto il credito in quanto l'ammontare del debito aumenta proporzionalmente e progressivamente a causa dei continui finanziamenti ricevuti e la cui restituzione non è in grado di onorare.
La condotta di abusiva concessione del credito si presenta dunque caratterizzata da una natura plurioffensiva giacchè reca pregiudizio tanto all'impresa finanziata che ai creditori della stessa.
La banca, al contrario, agisce nella consapevolezza di non take any risks but rather, acts with full knowledge of the facts because his conduct is mostly aimed at achieving, in mometno that gives it credit, real or personal guarantees by the same debtor or third parties. The guarantees obtained in this way to the bank to be able to provide equally or even more satisfying, make loans outside of the competition with other creditors, as well as prevent them the opportunity to pursue revocation actions to protect of their rights ...
Facing imminent and inevitable bankruptcy, the bank instead to abstain and refuse to grant credit, as would be its duty, knowingly it just gives the order to reduce the harm they would suffer if it is opened fouled. For example, the bank, the lending pushes back the date of declaration of bankruptcy. In this way it can move forward in the so-called suspect period, managing to consolidate dispositions that would otherwise be revoked. In essence, the bank misuse their power to extend credit to a person who does not deserve the credit.
* Pasquale Petrella
Provincial Secretary IDV Prato
Monday, February 21, 2011
Turning A Regular Skirt Into A Bubble Skirt
LAWN - The provincial office has called Italy of Values una riunione urgente del direttivo per per discutere dell’ipotesi dell’ampliamento dell’aeroporto Amerigo Vespucci di Firenze e delle potenziali ricadute sul territorio pratese. La riunione arriva dopo un incontro avuto da parte di alcuni membri della stessa segreteria provinciale con l’assessore regionale dell’Italia dei Valori, Anna Marson. Per l’occasione al consiglio direttivo sono state invitate anche persone che non ne fanno parte proprio per avere una visione il più ampia possibile sugli scenari futuri che potrebbero coinvolgere la realtà dei cittadini della provincia di Prato da un ampliamento dell’aeroporto di Peretola.