Di Pasquale Petrella
CARMIGNANO - The architect Aurelio di Carmignano Imbrogno has been named regional head of the Department of Urban Italy of Values. Imbrogno, who already has experience as an administrator for being alderman in the town of Montemurlo, for several years where he lives in Carmignano in this period has been actively involved in the Committee on Public Works and Urban Development and Environment to prepare the program of the center-left coalition that supports Doriano Cirri for mayor. "I am very happy with the assignment entrusted to me the region that my party, but at this time are particularly focused on the job in the two committees that are drafting the program for the next term in Carmignano - the architect says Imbrogno - We're working hard, listening to the people who invite you to continue to bring their thoughts and their contributions. There are new ideas, especially about the environment, environmental sustainability and alternative energy. I think we will do a program leading to Carmignano and I hope to bring this experience right from the start of the political project also Carmignano Italy of Values \u200b\u200bat the regional level. "
"The participation of citizens is vital and I hope that many others bring their ideas to the two committees that make reference to the mayor and deputy mayor Cirri outgoing Aldridge. "
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