Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Female Genital Tattoos Gallery


MEADOW - Some employers and unions: a failure!
The PDL, the majority party who also supports it, has ruled the last city council. To place
Roberto elected mayor a year and a half ago thanks to the votes of a minority of citizens Prato, 2010 is to close in the worst way: a mouth is not only Italy of Values, which also would have to be critical of do and has done a lot already, but the his own majority.
On the business is doing somersaults because the family business will not fail dragged into oblivion by a tunnel one hundred and sixty million euro debt, perhaps, be able to save only with the help of institutions and then thanks to the money of the many law-abiding citizens who have paid their taxes and debts have not made by careful management of its activities.

On the political front, the discredit her and the council also comes from the PDL When, with the center-left vote on the document presented by the Future and Freedom about the expectations of the investee Sori "any future voluntary and compulsory collection of all income tax and assets of the town of Prato. "This represents a break is not insignificant. The council had wanted to entrust Equitalia.

If you add to this that the leader of the PDL expressly stated that the City Council will not accept decisions made "in the secret rooms because of games and play games of power" then you can imagine that even the supporters of Mayor doubt him and his Government, and more generally the management of the res publica. Roberto place - they elected - obviously has not shown those administrative skills that so much has hailed the election campaign.

We only hope that the new year opens with a great reflection on the city for the first its ability to carry out the legislature. The problems are many and the city of Prato Prato do not need to shoulder the problems of power and toys.

Future and Freedom had a mandate from its leader Gianfranco Fini, embarrass juntas led by PDL, in Prato, we do not expect them to be so brave but if they continue to present motions and documents in order to safeguard the Prato and Prato against the interests of clear resolutions to come shortly, Italy of Values \u200b\u200bof the vote, as done in the latter city council in 2010 that established the de-legitimization of the mayor and the council by a unanimous City Council except ... obviously for that foreign body that is the Northern League.



Monday, December 27, 2010

Deep Venous Thrombosis More Condition_symptoms


PRATO - I can make my own the concerns expressed in recent days by the SLC CGIL union about what is happening to Metastasio : too many insecure and lack of clarity on the functions and responsibilities of staff. I make my own as a member of the Board , if only for the absolute lack of communication and information to the Board that the last time was met on 9 November. If there are overlapping responsibilities is good to know and deal with them. In the next board of directors, comes after almost two months from the previous one, ask guidance to the President on all those concerns expressed by the union. I want to know the exact staffing plan of the Teatro Metastasio and the functions and responsibilities of each employee and employee. Who prepares the budget? Who keeps relations with the institutions and members of Metastasio? In the past I had done that it seemed to me that there were figures with similar tasks. So I was reassured by explanations evidently, after a few months, they are not convincing and that's why the SLC CGIL ask for clarification on a public on the plant organs and functions of each component thereof.

Maurizio Zaccariello

Member of the Board of Directors Teatro Metastasio

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Cheap Wooden Fingerboards For Sale


PRATO - Never as in this year 's end in exchange greetings I felt a sadness so deep, a 'distress is so widespread and so much discouragement the economic future of our city.

Everywhere meet people who have lost their jobs and of course ti chiedono se, nell' ambito dei tuoi rapporti, puoi indicare loro un' opportunità d' occupazione.

Osservo che anche a livello istituzionale mancano idee su come trovare   vie d' uscita.

Tutti ripetiamo in coro che occorrono   incentivi   fiscali per chi crea nuova produzione e nuova occupazione: è ovvio che un percorso di ripresa non possa prescindere da questa strada.

Non dimentichiamo però che l'Italia è uno dei paesi con la più alta evasione fiscale, che questa fa parte di una nostra cultura distorta    e che ovviamente provoca una delle pressioni tax highest in Europe '.

When things go wrong, right to invoke the 'help' from 'high', but if our finances affluisse that part of the resources taken away from 'escape, there would be more availability for the cushions and we could use for example, a more prolonged layoff.

I believe that the 'tax evasion should be fought with measures that discourage work at "black" as the deductibility of charges.

We spread a veil of protection 'evasion practiced by our government with measures like the tax shelter.

Un altro ostacolo alla crescita economica è dato dalle difficoltà di accesso al credito, questo dato peggiorerà finchè la politica non avrà individuato strumenti di garanzia che si interpongano tra banche ed imprenditori , soprattutto i piccoli ed i contoterzisti.

Tutti sappiamo che l' economia del nostro distretto è stata atterrata dall' ingresso nel mercato di prodotti a prezzi irrisori, dato che in quei paesi da dove provengono il costo del lavoro è minimo e i diritti dei lavoratori inesistenti.

Dobbiamo premere sui nostri rappresentanti   europei perché venga istituita obbligatoriamente la certificazione delle merci che entrano nei nostri mercati, health certification and especially ETHICS, by which the product we purchased was not realized where c 'is the exploitation of children and where there are no workers' rights.

This path is hindered by those who use this situation to keep their interests against those markets, or to relocate, see the case of Sasch ....

We must also put pressure so that the EU imposes to the de facto 'mandatory labeling of products.

We must fight so that the parliament to draw up a specific piece of legislation for the revival of our district.

if at least one of these minimum goals, the end of next year will be even more dramatic and more bitter will despair and social unrest.



Tuesday, December 21, 2010

How Do You Get The Gun In Poptropica


Pasquale Petrella

PRATO - Free use of public transport. Someone reading this article, has pointed out that this is the new gift of the junta led by Mayor Roberto place for the holiday season, perhaps to bring more people downtown. No, the gift of junta place is smog detected by the control units dell'Arpat and have established that in surveys of 17-18 and December 19 the values \u200b\u200bof concentrations of particulate matter or PM10, have exceeded the maximum statutory . This means that more children are at risk of being inflame the airways and increases the proportion of the sick, the elderly accuse asthma complications, that men and women accumulate in the body in percentage harmful smog. Yes, this is the result of this policy came to center that instead of discouraging the use of private vehicles, so far has done everything to facilitate it. There is only one measure, in the past year and a half, a policy directed towards anti-smog. Indeed, all decisions are in the opposite direction: Ztl reduction, elimination of Apu, very few fighters present in the street to regulate traffic. In short, the Work and mayor is not thinking about the health of the citizens of Prato, which should be his main concern, but is only thinking about the interests of a few at the risk of health of Prato. Italy of Values \u200b\u200basks this local government a greater respect for people's health and should not be taken serious steps to avoid the excess of the limits of Pm10, ask the mayor to take personal responsibility before the law.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Breakthrough Bleeding More Condition_symptoms

Michael: the new album and 'already topped the charts

The new solo album "Michael" by Michael Jackson, released on December 10, immediately topped the Italian charts and is the top seller of the week, confirming that its audience continues to appreciate and follow him even after his death. Jackson, one of the most creative artists of recent decades, has spent the last two years working hard on this new album and although it has not been able to finish the songs, he left an extraordinary series of clues to its creative design in the form of notes and detailed conversations with people with whom he was working. The charts confirm the esteem and love that the world continues to be the King of Pop Michael Jackson.

Here are 10 songs on the album:

1. Hold My Hand (Duet with Akon)
2. Hollywood Tonight
3. Keep Your Head Up
4. (I Like) The Way You Love Me
5. Monster (Featuring with 50 Cent)
6. Best of Joy
7. Breaking News
8. (I Can not Make It) Another Day (Featuring Lenny Kravitz)
9. Behind the Mask
10. Much Too Soon

Thursday, December 16, 2010

What Type Of Weave Does Myamme Use?


PRATO - Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Prato has sold its last shares in Banca Popolare di Vicenza, and now Cariprato of Prato in name only, and perhaps this too will disappear sooner or later. The Mayor of Prato Robert Work, who resigned president of the Foundation Cariprato and never replaced, thus became richer, the BPV paid to members of the Foundation and 33 million 440 thousand euro. At this point, like Italy of Values \u200b\u200bdo two things. The first concerns the very place that the mayor is handling these days to save his company Sasch and is begging for a few hundred euro to its employees who have not received salaries in recent months. A tug of war while not not to give more than a thousand euro. A shame for those on the one hand pockets million € and the other has been able to make a hole in one hundred and seventy million, to beg a few dollars to families who are in big trouble.

The second consideration should be given to all those members of the Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Prato primarily with the president of the Marine industry and to follow once the mayor to place a few months ago when the same part of its shares exchanged Foundation Cariprato in with those of the Banca Popolare di Vicenza made a shrug of the shields to defend the Cariprato Prato. Even then, like Italy of Values \u200b\u200bhad denounced the falsity of those statements by those who want to defend the city in words and in deeds is only an interest. Today we have the proof and industrial trouble if members of the Foundation and the mayor do not dare to speak of shared.

From now on, citizens, artisans, merchants and industrialists in referring to Cariprato will be confronted with the policies of Vicenza and not with those of a bank that until a few years ago seemed to help the city . From now on, the economic problems of Prato will only be a small parenthesis in the strategies of Banca Popolare di Vicenza, and are sure that before Prato there will be many other cities of the Veneto, Lombardy and Emilia Romagna. All this with the backing of Robert Work and members of the Foundation.

Unless Ardita

Segretario provinciale


Monday, December 13, 2010

Phosphate Buffer Calculator

The committee changed its name only because the members take the attendance

Al n.1 dell' o.d.g. del prossimo consiglio comunale di Prato del 16 Dicembre 2010 p.v. c' è l' approvazione dell' istituzione della "COMMISSIONE PERMANENTE PER LA VERIFICA DELLA CONGRUITA' DEGLI ATTI"
Una sentenza del T.A.R. di diversi mesi fa aveva determinato che la "Conferenza dei Capigruppo Consiliari" non ha valenza di commissione consiliare,in quanto rientra nell' attività insita dei capigruppo e quindi non andava finanziata con il gettone di presenza. Da allora alle conferenze dei capigruppo noi capigruppo Board not to charge more than the token. Basta.
So what?
Presto said.
is establishing the "Permanent Commission for the verification of congruity 'of documents" which plays the same role of institutional leaders' conference, which only becomes a permanent commission and council are paid with the attendance.
Put simply changing the name, instead of the group leaders' conference call 'STANDING COMMITTEE FOR THE VERIFICATION OF THE ADEQUACY' of documents and attendance is assured nuovo.Ganzo not?
This is the answer to 'citizens' request to lower the costs of politics, just in a tragic time like this, where each day increase those who lose their jobs and daily bread.
many here in Prato have nothing to eat, but we take in more than a token. I fear that in
'approve this document, the "left" and "right" are united in the vote.
I (think I'll be the 'one) I will vote against, if I have to redeem the token also donate it to charity. Aurelio

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Make Your Ownwresling Cards

CONSIAG, Bugette (PD) wrong to do AGREEMENTS COL center

MEADOW - It 's really the singular position of secretary of the PD Prato, Ilaria Bugetti on subsidiary Consiag spa. A public appearance, as of Italy Valori, proprio non ci piace. La sua risposta sul tema della partecipata pare una risposta di comodo    per far cessare una guerriglia scatenata dal centrodestra in relazione al familismo denunciato all'interno della stessa partecipata.

A Ilaria Bugetti chiediamo di non accogliere l'invito del coordinatore provinciale Pdl Riccardo Mazzoni circa il dialogo richiesto sul Consiag. Sarebbe opportuno che il Pd cercasse di dialogare di più con i partiti della coalizione anziché cercare incontri con l'avversario politico.

Le eventuali dimissioni di Paolo Abati non possono certo cadere nella esclusiva   responsabilità del   Pd pratese. Le quote di partecipazione nell'azienda invest more municipalities whose citizens are represented by political forces between which there is also the Italy of Values \u200b\u200bthat do not give up representation, ethics and transparency . If at the time those municipalities have chosen Paul Abati will have a reason and if those reasons were changed today to be the same individuals to decide and certainly not the provincial secretary of the Democratic Party of Prato.

Even though Paul Abati is a militant of the Democratic Party any resignation must be discussed and certainly not the only alternative to give the charge to a representative of the center-of Prato.

We of Italia dei Valori the "mess-ups" of the building and we do not like that presented by Ilaria Bugetti has the air of being one of them.

Unless Ardita

Provincial Secretary IdV Prato

Friday, December 10, 2010

Quicktime Controls Firefox


Pasquale Petrella

PRATO - Wear banking: its impact on the reality of Prato. E 'is the title of the conference organized by the Group Board of Prato in Italy of Values \u200b\u200bto be held tomorrow afternoon (Saturday, December 11) starting from 16.30 in the hall council of the municipality of Prato. Character
important the meeting was to be Mr IDV, Domenico Scilipoti, president of the National Forum anti-wear banking, but after his recent decision to vote confidence in Berlusconi's government has become persona non grata and Donzella Aurelio, president of the Group Board of 'IDV Prato event organizer, has called to decline the invitation at that time had been addressed. There will be
Scilipoti but there will be Art and Silvestro Luigi Di Stefano, respectively representative and coordinator of the Forum of Tuscany and Lazio anti usury banking, the Councillor for Social Policies of the province of Prato, Loredana Ferrara, the same degree of common Prato, Dante Mondanelli, the parent Pd in \u200b\u200btown, Massimo Carlesi; Roberto Di Napoli's lawyer experienced in consumer protection and user-bank companies Anselmo Power Network Italy, Manuela Bilic motion contractors The Phoenix and the provincial secretary of Prato in Italy of Values \u200b\u200bPrato, Salvo Ardita .
At the end of the conference is expected to have a drink.

Johnny The Homicidal Maniac Online


PRATO - Success for the meeting held Thursday night debate in the council room of the municipality of Carmignano on "Freedom of information among law gag and economic crisis." The event organized by Italia dei Valori has seen speakers like Senator Francesco Pardi, a member of the Committee Rai and supervision of the chairman of the Journalists of Tuscany, Carlo Bartoli. They brought their greetings to the present mayor of Carmignano, Doriano Cirri IDV and the provincial secretary of Prato, Salvo Ardita.
Coordinated by Pasquale Petrella, Senator Leopards gave a brief review on the Supervisory Board of RAI and a guarantee fee Agcom, two structures which - according to Senator DiPietro, should be completely revised and corrected "because as they are today are completely useless ". Leopards also wanted to point out what is happening in a Rai has always been divided up by political parties and that in recent times, especially with Minzolini director of Tg1, is take on a grotesque. Bartoli has addressed mainly the regional aspect of the media and noted that a plurality of information is necessary for the very life of democracy. "Unfortunately, we are seeing the closure of several newspapers and this is not a good seganle" concluded the President of Tuscans journalists. The mayor Doriano Cirri brought his personal experience on the recent case of burglary registered Comeana and the emphasis given by some media that, according to the mayor, would go far beyond the facts, reporting the presence patrols through the streets, "when in fact it was a single young person in the car and one night he was late to the streets of the village Carmignano. The provincial secretary IDV Ardita focused on the proposed law that reining wiretaps, calling it a law condemning to death the legal investigations against the mob.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Near Syncope More Condition_symptoms


LAWN - The majority of the city government has rejected my motion, "anti-nepotism": this is their response to the Consiag nepotism: they are afraid of tomorrow, not being able to settle their relatives.
Italy of Values \u200b\u200bhas always fought against all forms of family and has continued the discussion of re-discussion of the restructuring of subsidiaries on the basis of 'efficiency and costs As for the community
d 'as it was signed during the past administration that a decision concerning the governance of these did eliminate penalty against the vote and the proposal to create the' Observatory on participation, made up of paid outside consultants, just to lower the costs of politics, but to accept that the commission set the subsidiaries were headed by a director 's opposition, and not the majority as they wanted, in order that the controller does not coincide with the control.
All this happened in very difficult times when IDV was mostly

Aurelio Donzella