Pasquale Petrella
PRATO - Free use of public transport. Someone reading this article, has pointed out that this is the new gift of the junta led by Mayor Roberto place for the holiday season, perhaps to bring more people downtown. No, the gift of junta place is smog detected by the control units dell'Arpat and have established that in surveys of 17-18 and December 19 the values \u200b\u200bof concentrations of particulate matter or PM10, have exceeded the maximum statutory . This means that more children are at risk of being inflame the airways and increases the proportion of the sick, the elderly accuse asthma complications, that men and women accumulate in the body in percentage harmful smog. Yes, this is the result of this policy came to center that instead of discouraging the use of private vehicles, so far has done everything to facilitate it. There is only one measure, in the past year and a half, a policy directed towards anti-smog. Indeed, all decisions are in the opposite direction: Ztl reduction, elimination of Apu, very few fighters present in the street to regulate traffic. In short, the Work and mayor is not thinking about the health of the citizens of Prato, which should be his main concern, but is only thinking about the interests of a few at the risk of health of Prato. Italy of Values \u200b\u200basks this local government a greater respect for people's health and should not be taken serious steps to avoid the excess of the limits of Pm10, ask the mayor to take personal responsibility before the law.
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