PRATO - Success for the meeting held Thursday night debate in the council room of the municipality of Carmignano on "Freedom of information among law gag and economic crisis." The event organized by Italia dei Valori has seen speakers like Senator Francesco Pardi, a member of the Committee Rai and supervision of the chairman of the Journalists of Tuscany, Carlo Bartoli. They brought their greetings to the present mayor of Carmignano, Doriano Cirri IDV and the provincial secretary of Prato, Salvo Ardita.
Coordinated by Pasquale Petrella, Senator Leopards gave a brief review on the Supervisory Board of RAI and a guarantee fee Agcom, two structures which - according to Senator DiPietro, should be completely revised and corrected "because as they are today are completely useless ". Leopards also wanted to point out what is happening in a Rai has always been divided up by political parties and that in recent times, especially with Minzolini director of Tg1, is take on a grotesque. Bartoli has addressed mainly the regional aspect of the media and noted that a plurality of information is necessary for the very life of democracy. "Unfortunately, we are seeing the closure of several newspapers and this is not a good seganle" concluded the President of Tuscans journalists. The mayor Doriano Cirri brought his personal experience on the recent case of burglary registered Comeana and the emphasis given by some media that, according to the mayor, would go far beyond the facts, reporting the presence patrols through the streets, "when in fact it was a single young person in the car and one night he was late to the streets of the village Carmignano. The provincial secretary IDV Ardita focused on the proposed law that reining wiretaps, calling it a law condemning to death the legal investigations against the mob.
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