The committee changed its name only because the members take the attendance
Al n.1 dell' o.d.g. del prossimo consiglio comunale di Prato del 16 Dicembre 2010 p.v. c' è l' approvazione dell' istituzione della "COMMISSIONE PERMANENTE PER LA VERIFICA DELLA CONGRUITA' DEGLI ATTI"
Una sentenza del T.A.R. di diversi mesi fa aveva determinato che la "Conferenza dei Capigruppo Consiliari" non ha valenza di commissione consiliare,in quanto rientra nell' attività insita dei capigruppo e quindi non andava finanziata con il gettone di presenza. Da allora alle conferenze dei capigruppo noi capigruppo Board not to charge more than the token. Basta.
So what?
Presto said.
is establishing the "Permanent Commission for the verification of congruity 'of documents" which plays the same role of institutional leaders' conference, which only becomes a permanent commission and council are paid with the attendance.
Put simply changing the name, instead of the group leaders' conference call 'STANDING COMMITTEE FOR THE VERIFICATION OF THE ADEQUACY' of documents and attendance is assured nuovo.Ganzo not?
This is the answer to 'citizens' request to lower the costs of politics, just in a tragic time like this, where each day increase those who lose their jobs and daily bread.
many here in Prato have nothing to eat, but we take in more than a token. I fear that in
'approve this document, the "left" and "right" are united in the vote.
I (think I'll be the 'one) I will vote against, if I have to redeem the token also donate it to charity. Aurelio
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