Sunday, February 20, 2011

Dust Allergies More Condition_symptoms

approved a regulation policy of ethnic businesses

di Aurelio Donzella*

Il Consiglio Comunale nell’ ultima seduta del 17 Febbraio, ha approvato la delibera sul “Regolamento per il commercio nella città di Prato – Attività di vendita in sede fissa”. Il provvedimento contiene delle novità positive, per quanto riguarda i criteri che devono esser soddisfatti dagli esercizi commerciali, soprattutto per il decoro urbano. A questo hanno contribuito gli apporti forniti dai consiglieri  d’ opposizione, in sede di discussione nella commissione competente. Purtroppo la maggioranza è stata irremovibile su quanto riguarda la lista dei “divieti” inerenti il centro storico. Among the activities are incompatible under the A) 's Article 26, are at the top "craft of cooking foods such as kebabs and the like." In my speech I have criticized this point. I had this 'administration, even before the sin of "racism" or barrier to' integration, particularly of short-sightedness and will be contrary to the revival of the old town. Most of the funds are closed: if the 'only request to hire a fund comes from those who want to open a Kebab, since this regulation referred to "ethnic" bandoneista that the fund will be closed, highlighting the deterioration of the historic center. Besides, I noted that at point B) of that article, lists the mandatory requirements and quality, which must meet every year, even if it is a kebab. I concluded that this finding is, therefore, unfortunately, the will of our administration to revive the heart of Prato and reversed the 'current desertification.

* Parent Italy of Values \u200b\u200bin the City Council Prato


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