The Courage Alemanno and the cowardice of Work
Pasquale Petrella
Prato-The right-wing mayor, Gianni Alemanno had no problems to hold a day of mourning after the horrific death of four Roma children, burned alive in an illegal gypsy camp on the outskirts of Rome. The mayor of the capital, with a history of extreme right has also had the courage to pay tribute to the lives of four Roma children. A brave stance that contrasts with the attitude taken by the mayor called "civic" in Prato, Robert Work, which has instead been afraid to hold a day of mourning for the three women drowned in the underpass east of Ciulli away last October. Here are two ways to witness a tragedy. In Rome, Alemanno had very valid arguments for lack of the death of Roma children: after all the tragedy occurred in a squatter camp and it is the Roma, an ethnic group that is certainly not well seen by a center-right increasingly led to racist and xenophobic positions. Yet, when faced with death, facing a tragedy so huge, the mayor Gianni Alemanno has been stripped of his ideologies and paid homage with the mourning of these four children whose only crime was to be born in a shanty town outside by law.
In Prato the three Chinese women: mother, daughter and aunt, drowned in an underground without having broken any law. In fact, they died for the illegality committed by someone ' Another will be to ensure the judiciary. Well, before that tragedy, the mayor of Prato did not have the compassion to put aside ideology, which he professes Municipal Mayor, and decreed a day of mourning. We had then criticized the mayor to place his attitude, his critics even more so today in light of what has made the mayor of Rome. And to think that Aleman was never even remotely intended to profess "civic". A qualification that these days, after the birth of a mysterious group on facebook civic "Prato to Work" is also contested by almost all parties that make up the majority of the city government. Another bad sign for a mayor sempre più solo e sempre più paralizzato. E a pagarne le conseguenze, ovviamente, sono Prato e i pratesi.
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