I think it is useful to non-food dusty unnecessary controversy, respond more frankly Milone alderman and citizens of Prato as the "security" issue is no laughing and it is important to be clear from the outset. The IdV does not say "nonsense"!
This joint center-right, well fed the Councillor by reference, has to spend about € 800 thousand to the State for the use of military tasks in a city with absolutely useless. This fair amount of money could be spent to strengthen the investigative services of the police whose sacred
surfaces are visible to all, or using the same internal military tasks freeing the police from improper tasks. It has been used instead, to use the same words of the assessor to "reduce the perception of insecurity." With this came the term openly admits that the use of the military has served to provide illusion, a perception point of view that can only be compared to that determined by gamblers who meet at service stations and administer the game of three cards: note where everyone believes is the ace, but when the card is turned, there is another figure. A perception had by so many honest and unaware that he believed in this illusion, and that has resulted in significant damage to the police led them to lose other staff to accompany the military to turn the streets only to be seen and has also resulted in significant damage in the minds of citizens who believed that safety could be achieved through the use of the army.
But this illusion just happens to have not had the robbers che prendendosi anch’essi beffa della giunta, di recente hanno operato una serie di rapine proprio nel centro storico sempre pieno di pattuglioni di militari, a dispetto di quei politici che proclamavano vittoria!
Questa giunta se la suona e se la canta con le interrogazioni che giungono ad hoc dal PDL e le risposte a pari merito fornite dall’assessorato alla sicurezza.
E’ opportuno precisare che non esistono disappunti fra l’IdV e l’assessorato per quanto concerne i controlli alle ditte cui sovente vengono riscontrate irregolarità , anzi essi dovrebbero essere più profondi ed avere carattere di ordinarietà , and not to blitz through the use of highly skilled staff that should be permanently used for that purpose, with rates of the Guardia di Finanza for its well eradicate the phenomenon of lawlessness that grips this city and that also involves the same clients. This is also one of our proposals which are not taken into account.
Regarding the "Pact for Prato safe city", which sees City, Province, Region and the Central Government, joined in the protocol, it seems appropriate that it should be revised because as it stands, is only a statement of intent and guidance for combating illegal economic without assigning human and financial resources. Practically it would be like to make a law without financial backing, but citizens must know that the "Covenant" was signed and wanted by the center-left, but managed it in the first year since then has always been run by the center-right and the Ministry of the Interior, until now, has not allocated human and financial resources in this city. Of course, it is desirable that everyone plays their part, even the region. The Province has made several times. Of course none of us has a magic wand, but the requests for funds must be properly designed. What is the point of investing money for use in this latter fashion of the military?
and the party that I represent will not ever lent us a game so perverse because security is a good of all and to achieve an appropriate reference model is necessary to use a natural protocol to combat the crime, either in economic, for offenses against persons and property.
The security policy put in place by this Government and a part of the City Council can not be taken as an example and also has a serious aggravating factor: the political apparatus inside the city has of three representatives from law enforcement officials familiar with the nature of that protocol and they know that the use of the army, as used, is useless. Just ask all the police, carabinieri and financiers of Prato and their unions. But certainly have preferred to choose all the way and a right of Berlusconi that stupid just to make converts is ready to invent any kind of protocols, even against nature!
But politics can not be far from ethics to which every good administrator has the obligation to address.
I would therefore Milone said alderman and council place that often say that the opposition has no plans, that Italy of Values \u200b\u200bPrato, presented a precise plan of action for the safety of the city that gave in the direct hands of the Minister, who has sent out through the press and in the work of the council but so far found no answer even the guidelines are aimed against the instructions of my party.
Milone alderman I would also say that this city has an urgent need for action on road safety. It seems appropriate that the Department engages more with the districts, in order to make a detailed inventory of the places where it is necessary for intervention to prevent adverse events to motorists and pedestrians.
Italy of Values \u200b\u200bis ready to offer all the support necessary to demonstrate that its policy is made for the common good and not for propaganda purposes.
Unless Ardita
Provincial Coordinator Prato Italy of Values \u200b\u200b
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