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ADOZIONI. L'Europa alza la voce

January 19, 2011

Robert Angelillo (PE): "abandoned children is a very serious problem not only in the third world"

"With today's vote, the House of Strasbourg has demonstrated that protecting children's rights is a priority of European Union ', "said the Vice-President of the European Parliament (with responsibility for children's rights) Roberta Angelilli, who presented this morning the resolution in respect of Intercountry Adoption, signed in bipartisan level from all political groups dell'Europarlamento.

"The plight of abandoned children, orphans or street children - explains Angelilli Vice President - not only about the third world, but it has become an extremely serious problem and of great relevance in Europe: the adoption allows these children to have a family and not to spend their childhood in orphanages and social workers. The institutions should in fact be a temporary solution for children. Especially the adoption of these children can not become invisible and finish in the circuit of poverty, social exclusion and exploitation. "

"in the text - he explains - is forcefully explained that the interest of the child must always be preserved, so when the conditions are right, under the strict supervision of the competent national authorities, the adoptability must be given: first in the country of origin and then in the European Union. "

"I would stress that even if jurisdiction in respect of Intercountry Adoption is open to any Member State, the resolution proposes some new aspects in this respect: the invitation to the Commission to examine the functioning of national systems in Europe and the proposal to create a coordination between the Commission and Member States to exchange best practices and strategies in order to obtain maximum cooperation from all countries and ensure both the right to adopt is the maximum transparency, thereby avoiding illegal adoption. "

"It is also important by the institutions Ue un impegno a semplificare, migliorare e agevolare le procedure di adozioni internazionali, eliminando la burocrazia superflua e cercando soluzioni giuridiche volte a facilitare tra Stati Membri il riconoscimento reciproco dei documenti necessari alle adozioni, insieme ad uno scrupoloso e corretto controllo di tutti i documenti, compresi i certificati di nascita che aiutano a proteggere il minore da violazioni circa la sua identità”, concludono i Vice Presidenti Angelilli e Pittella.

di Benedetta Verrini
fonte "" 19/01/2011


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