Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Female Genital Tattoos Gallery


MEADOW - Some employers and unions: a failure!
The PDL, the majority party who also supports it, has ruled the last city council. To place
Roberto elected mayor a year and a half ago thanks to the votes of a minority of citizens Prato, 2010 is to close in the worst way: a mouth is not only Italy of Values, which also would have to be critical of do and has done a lot already, but the his own majority.
On the business is doing somersaults because the family business will not fail dragged into oblivion by a tunnel one hundred and sixty million euro debt, perhaps, be able to save only with the help of institutions and then thanks to the money of the many law-abiding citizens who have paid their taxes and debts have not made by careful management of its activities.

On the political front, the discredit her and the council also comes from the PDL When, with the center-left vote on the document presented by the Future and Freedom about the expectations of the investee Sori "any future voluntary and compulsory collection of all income tax and assets of the town of Prato. "This represents a break is not insignificant. The council had wanted to entrust Equitalia.

If you add to this that the leader of the PDL expressly stated that the City Council will not accept decisions made "in the secret rooms because of games and play games of power" then you can imagine that even the supporters of Mayor doubt him and his Government, and more generally the management of the res publica. Roberto place - they elected - obviously has not shown those administrative skills that so much has hailed the election campaign.

We only hope that the new year opens with a great reflection on the city for the first its ability to carry out the legislature. The problems are many and the city of Prato Prato do not need to shoulder the problems of power and toys.

Future and Freedom had a mandate from its leader Gianfranco Fini, embarrass juntas led by PDL, in Prato, we do not expect them to be so brave but if they continue to present motions and documents in order to safeguard the Prato and Prato against the interests of clear resolutions to come shortly, Italy of Values \u200b\u200bof the vote, as done in the latter city council in 2010 that established the de-legitimization of the mayor and the council by a unanimous City Council except ... obviously for that foreign body that is the Northern League.



Monday, December 27, 2010

Deep Venous Thrombosis More Condition_symptoms


PRATO - I can make my own the concerns expressed in recent days by the SLC CGIL union about what is happening to Metastasio : too many insecure and lack of clarity on the functions and responsibilities of staff. I make my own as a member of the Board , if only for the absolute lack of communication and information to the Board that the last time was met on 9 November. If there are overlapping responsibilities is good to know and deal with them. In the next board of directors, comes after almost two months from the previous one, ask guidance to the President on all those concerns expressed by the union. I want to know the exact staffing plan of the Teatro Metastasio and the functions and responsibilities of each employee and employee. Who prepares the budget? Who keeps relations with the institutions and members of Metastasio? In the past I had done that it seemed to me that there were figures with similar tasks. So I was reassured by explanations evidently, after a few months, they are not convincing and that's why the SLC CGIL ask for clarification on a public on the plant organs and functions of each component thereof.

Maurizio Zaccariello

Member of the Board of Directors Teatro Metastasio

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Cheap Wooden Fingerboards For Sale


PRATO - Never as in this year 's end in exchange greetings I felt a sadness so deep, a 'distress is so widespread and so much discouragement the economic future of our city.

Everywhere meet people who have lost their jobs and of course ti chiedono se, nell' ambito dei tuoi rapporti, puoi indicare loro un' opportunità d' occupazione.

Osservo che anche a livello istituzionale mancano idee su come trovare   vie d' uscita.

Tutti ripetiamo in coro che occorrono   incentivi   fiscali per chi crea nuova produzione e nuova occupazione: è ovvio che un percorso di ripresa non possa prescindere da questa strada.

Non dimentichiamo però che l'Italia è uno dei paesi con la più alta evasione fiscale, che questa fa parte di una nostra cultura distorta    e che ovviamente provoca una delle pressioni tax highest in Europe '.

When things go wrong, right to invoke the 'help' from 'high', but if our finances affluisse that part of the resources taken away from 'escape, there would be more availability for the cushions and we could use for example, a more prolonged layoff.

I believe that the 'tax evasion should be fought with measures that discourage work at "black" as the deductibility of charges.

We spread a veil of protection 'evasion practiced by our government with measures like the tax shelter.

Un altro ostacolo alla crescita economica è dato dalle difficoltà di accesso al credito, questo dato peggiorerà finchè la politica non avrà individuato strumenti di garanzia che si interpongano tra banche ed imprenditori , soprattutto i piccoli ed i contoterzisti.

Tutti sappiamo che l' economia del nostro distretto è stata atterrata dall' ingresso nel mercato di prodotti a prezzi irrisori, dato che in quei paesi da dove provengono il costo del lavoro è minimo e i diritti dei lavoratori inesistenti.

Dobbiamo premere sui nostri rappresentanti   europei perché venga istituita obbligatoriamente la certificazione delle merci che entrano nei nostri mercati, health certification and especially ETHICS, by which the product we purchased was not realized where c 'is the exploitation of children and where there are no workers' rights.

This path is hindered by those who use this situation to keep their interests against those markets, or to relocate, see the case of Sasch ....

We must also put pressure so that the EU imposes to the de facto 'mandatory labeling of products.

We must fight so that the parliament to draw up a specific piece of legislation for the revival of our district.

if at least one of these minimum goals, the end of next year will be even more dramatic and more bitter will despair and social unrest.



Tuesday, December 21, 2010

How Do You Get The Gun In Poptropica


Pasquale Petrella

PRATO - Free use of public transport. Someone reading this article, has pointed out that this is the new gift of the junta led by Mayor Roberto place for the holiday season, perhaps to bring more people downtown. No, the gift of junta place is smog detected by the control units dell'Arpat and have established that in surveys of 17-18 and December 19 the values \u200b\u200bof concentrations of particulate matter or PM10, have exceeded the maximum statutory . This means that more children are at risk of being inflame the airways and increases the proportion of the sick, the elderly accuse asthma complications, that men and women accumulate in the body in percentage harmful smog. Yes, this is the result of this policy came to center that instead of discouraging the use of private vehicles, so far has done everything to facilitate it. There is only one measure, in the past year and a half, a policy directed towards anti-smog. Indeed, all decisions are in the opposite direction: Ztl reduction, elimination of Apu, very few fighters present in the street to regulate traffic. In short, the Work and mayor is not thinking about the health of the citizens of Prato, which should be his main concern, but is only thinking about the interests of a few at the risk of health of Prato. Italy of Values \u200b\u200basks this local government a greater respect for people's health and should not be taken serious steps to avoid the excess of the limits of Pm10, ask the mayor to take personal responsibility before the law.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Breakthrough Bleeding More Condition_symptoms

Michael: the new album and 'already topped the charts

The new solo album "Michael" by Michael Jackson, released on December 10, immediately topped the Italian charts and is the top seller of the week, confirming that its audience continues to appreciate and follow him even after his death. Jackson, one of the most creative artists of recent decades, has spent the last two years working hard on this new album and although it has not been able to finish the songs, he left an extraordinary series of clues to its creative design in the form of notes and detailed conversations with people with whom he was working. The charts confirm the esteem and love that the world continues to be the King of Pop Michael Jackson.

Here are 10 songs on the album:

1. Hold My Hand (Duet with Akon)
2. Hollywood Tonight
3. Keep Your Head Up
4. (I Like) The Way You Love Me
5. Monster (Featuring with 50 Cent)
6. Best of Joy
7. Breaking News
8. (I Can not Make It) Another Day (Featuring Lenny Kravitz)
9. Behind the Mask
10. Much Too Soon

Thursday, December 16, 2010

What Type Of Weave Does Myamme Use?


PRATO - Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Prato has sold its last shares in Banca Popolare di Vicenza, and now Cariprato of Prato in name only, and perhaps this too will disappear sooner or later. The Mayor of Prato Robert Work, who resigned president of the Foundation Cariprato and never replaced, thus became richer, the BPV paid to members of the Foundation and 33 million 440 thousand euro. At this point, like Italy of Values \u200b\u200bdo two things. The first concerns the very place that the mayor is handling these days to save his company Sasch and is begging for a few hundred euro to its employees who have not received salaries in recent months. A tug of war while not not to give more than a thousand euro. A shame for those on the one hand pockets million € and the other has been able to make a hole in one hundred and seventy million, to beg a few dollars to families who are in big trouble.

The second consideration should be given to all those members of the Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Prato primarily with the president of the Marine industry and to follow once the mayor to place a few months ago when the same part of its shares exchanged Foundation Cariprato in with those of the Banca Popolare di Vicenza made a shrug of the shields to defend the Cariprato Prato. Even then, like Italy of Values \u200b\u200bhad denounced the falsity of those statements by those who want to defend the city in words and in deeds is only an interest. Today we have the proof and industrial trouble if members of the Foundation and the mayor do not dare to speak of shared.

From now on, citizens, artisans, merchants and industrialists in referring to Cariprato will be confronted with the policies of Vicenza and not with those of a bank that until a few years ago seemed to help the city . From now on, the economic problems of Prato will only be a small parenthesis in the strategies of Banca Popolare di Vicenza, and are sure that before Prato there will be many other cities of the Veneto, Lombardy and Emilia Romagna. All this with the backing of Robert Work and members of the Foundation.

Unless Ardita

Segretario provinciale


Monday, December 13, 2010

Phosphate Buffer Calculator

The committee changed its name only because the members take the attendance

Al n.1 dell' o.d.g. del prossimo consiglio comunale di Prato del 16 Dicembre 2010 p.v. c' è l' approvazione dell' istituzione della "COMMISSIONE PERMANENTE PER LA VERIFICA DELLA CONGRUITA' DEGLI ATTI"
Una sentenza del T.A.R. di diversi mesi fa aveva determinato che la "Conferenza dei Capigruppo Consiliari" non ha valenza di commissione consiliare,in quanto rientra nell' attività insita dei capigruppo e quindi non andava finanziata con il gettone di presenza. Da allora alle conferenze dei capigruppo noi capigruppo Board not to charge more than the token. Basta.
So what?
Presto said.
is establishing the "Permanent Commission for the verification of congruity 'of documents" which plays the same role of institutional leaders' conference, which only becomes a permanent commission and council are paid with the attendance.
Put simply changing the name, instead of the group leaders' conference call 'STANDING COMMITTEE FOR THE VERIFICATION OF THE ADEQUACY' of documents and attendance is assured nuovo.Ganzo not?
This is the answer to 'citizens' request to lower the costs of politics, just in a tragic time like this, where each day increase those who lose their jobs and daily bread.
many here in Prato have nothing to eat, but we take in more than a token. I fear that in
'approve this document, the "left" and "right" are united in the vote.
I (think I'll be the 'one) I will vote against, if I have to redeem the token also donate it to charity. Aurelio

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Make Your Ownwresling Cards

CONSIAG, Bugette (PD) wrong to do AGREEMENTS COL center

MEADOW - It 's really the singular position of secretary of the PD Prato, Ilaria Bugetti on subsidiary Consiag spa. A public appearance, as of Italy Valori, proprio non ci piace. La sua risposta sul tema della partecipata pare una risposta di comodo    per far cessare una guerriglia scatenata dal centrodestra in relazione al familismo denunciato all'interno della stessa partecipata.

A Ilaria Bugetti chiediamo di non accogliere l'invito del coordinatore provinciale Pdl Riccardo Mazzoni circa il dialogo richiesto sul Consiag. Sarebbe opportuno che il Pd cercasse di dialogare di più con i partiti della coalizione anziché cercare incontri con l'avversario politico.

Le eventuali dimissioni di Paolo Abati non possono certo cadere nella esclusiva   responsabilità del   Pd pratese. Le quote di partecipazione nell'azienda invest more municipalities whose citizens are represented by political forces between which there is also the Italy of Values \u200b\u200bthat do not give up representation, ethics and transparency . If at the time those municipalities have chosen Paul Abati will have a reason and if those reasons were changed today to be the same individuals to decide and certainly not the provincial secretary of the Democratic Party of Prato.

Even though Paul Abati is a militant of the Democratic Party any resignation must be discussed and certainly not the only alternative to give the charge to a representative of the center-of Prato.

We of Italia dei Valori the "mess-ups" of the building and we do not like that presented by Ilaria Bugetti has the air of being one of them.

Unless Ardita

Provincial Secretary IdV Prato

Friday, December 10, 2010

Quicktime Controls Firefox


Pasquale Petrella

PRATO - Wear banking: its impact on the reality of Prato. E 'is the title of the conference organized by the Group Board of Prato in Italy of Values \u200b\u200bto be held tomorrow afternoon (Saturday, December 11) starting from 16.30 in the hall council of the municipality of Prato. Character
important the meeting was to be Mr IDV, Domenico Scilipoti, president of the National Forum anti-wear banking, but after his recent decision to vote confidence in Berlusconi's government has become persona non grata and Donzella Aurelio, president of the Group Board of 'IDV Prato event organizer, has called to decline the invitation at that time had been addressed. There will be
Scilipoti but there will be Art and Silvestro Luigi Di Stefano, respectively representative and coordinator of the Forum of Tuscany and Lazio anti usury banking, the Councillor for Social Policies of the province of Prato, Loredana Ferrara, the same degree of common Prato, Dante Mondanelli, the parent Pd in \u200b\u200btown, Massimo Carlesi; Roberto Di Napoli's lawyer experienced in consumer protection and user-bank companies Anselmo Power Network Italy, Manuela Bilic motion contractors The Phoenix and the provincial secretary of Prato in Italy of Values \u200b\u200bPrato, Salvo Ardita .
At the end of the conference is expected to have a drink.

Johnny The Homicidal Maniac Online


PRATO - Success for the meeting held Thursday night debate in the council room of the municipality of Carmignano on "Freedom of information among law gag and economic crisis." The event organized by Italia dei Valori has seen speakers like Senator Francesco Pardi, a member of the Committee Rai and supervision of the chairman of the Journalists of Tuscany, Carlo Bartoli. They brought their greetings to the present mayor of Carmignano, Doriano Cirri IDV and the provincial secretary of Prato, Salvo Ardita.
Coordinated by Pasquale Petrella, Senator Leopards gave a brief review on the Supervisory Board of RAI and a guarantee fee Agcom, two structures which - according to Senator DiPietro, should be completely revised and corrected "because as they are today are completely useless ". Leopards also wanted to point out what is happening in a Rai has always been divided up by political parties and that in recent times, especially with Minzolini director of Tg1, is take on a grotesque. Bartoli has addressed mainly the regional aspect of the media and noted that a plurality of information is necessary for the very life of democracy. "Unfortunately, we are seeing the closure of several newspapers and this is not a good seganle" concluded the President of Tuscans journalists. The mayor Doriano Cirri brought his personal experience on the recent case of burglary registered Comeana and the emphasis given by some media that, according to the mayor, would go far beyond the facts, reporting the presence patrols through the streets, "when in fact it was a single young person in the car and one night he was late to the streets of the village Carmignano. The provincial secretary IDV Ardita focused on the proposed law that reining wiretaps, calling it a law condemning to death the legal investigations against the mob.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Near Syncope More Condition_symptoms


LAWN - The majority of the city government has rejected my motion, "anti-nepotism": this is their response to the Consiag nepotism: they are afraid of tomorrow, not being able to settle their relatives.
Italy of Values \u200b\u200bhas always fought against all forms of family and has continued the discussion of re-discussion of the restructuring of subsidiaries on the basis of 'efficiency and costs As for the community
d 'as it was signed during the past administration that a decision concerning the governance of these did eliminate penalty against the vote and the proposal to create the' Observatory on participation, made up of paid outside consultants, just to lower the costs of politics, but to accept that the commission set the subsidiaries were headed by a director 's opposition, and not the majority as they wanted, in order that the controller does not coincide with the control.
All this happened in very difficult times when IDV was mostly

Aurelio Donzella

Monday, October 18, 2010

Wooden Swing Sets Blueprints

Tavolo Regione Veneto e famiglie adottive


The Regional Councillor Social Policy, Remo Sernagiotto, has announced it will set up a consultation between the Veneto Region and adoptive families.

The consultation table between the Veneto Region and adoptive families will be a point of listening to the needs and suggestions from couples who live the experience of adoption.
The Regional Councillor for Social Policies Remo Sernagiotto announced that it will set up a consultation between the Veneto Region and adoptive families, taking due account of the needs and ideas directly from couples who live the experience of adoption. "We want to be connected with immediate families, to understand the needs of the area in this area "- said the Alderman, turning to Padua in the Sala Valeri, to a qualified audience of operators of public and private services (social workers, psychologists, and representatives of the 26 teams that adoptions are based in family planning clinics Veneto) authorities authorized the opening of the cycle of training sessions on "Adoption and the Venetian system adoption."

"Adoption - Sernagiotto remember - it is a social and human phenomenon that is increasingly important in recent years, particularly in the Veneto, has involved and continues to affect hundreds of pairs. In our region of the operational protocols are active che hanno coinvolto sia gli enti autorizzati del privato sociale sia il Tribunale per i minorenni di Venezia”. Nelle adozioni internazionali si ricorda che il Veneto è la seconda regione italiana dopo la Lombardia e che il maggior numero di minori stranieri adottati nel Veneto proviene dalla Federazione Russa.

Dai dati forniti dalla Commissione per le adozioni internazionali in relazione ai fascicoli dei minori stranieri autorizzati all’ingresso e alla residenza permanente nel nostro Paese a scopo di adozione, risulta che nel 2009 le coppie adottanti residenti in Veneto sono state 311, il 10,1% del totale delle coppie italiane. Per quanto riguarda le provincie venete si evidenzia che la provincia con il maggior numero di coppie adottanti è that of Verona, 66, Treviso 65, Padova 56, Vicenza and Venice with 49, while the provinces which have the largest percentage increases over the past three years are considered to be those of Belluno and Rovigo adopters with 13 pairs each. The adopted children in the Veneto region in 2009 were 342 out of a total of 3,964 Italian.

These children have been adopted by 3,082 couples, with an average of 1.29 children per couple. Over the years, the average number of children adopted by couples has been increasing: in 2008, each pair has taken on average 1.26 children. From a territorial point of view, the Lombard couples have requested permission to enter for the purpose of 740 foster children, the absolute highest, followed those Tuscan (362 requests), Lazio (358) and Veneto (342). In the period January to December 2009, notes that the country of origin of many adopted children in Veneto is the Russian Federation, with 93 minors allowed to enter, 27.2% of the total. Follow children from Ethiopia with 64 adoptions from Colombia with 32, Vietnam with 25 and India with 23.

official source
Veneto Region in Italy

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Mrsa. More Condition_symptoms


boom of Chinese children

ROME (22 September) - A year and a half ago, the first arrivals. And now is almost a boom for Chinese children adopted in Italy, already a hundred by March 2009, when they entered our country in the first bambini italiani con gli occhi a mandorla.

«Sono cifre importanti, molto buone» nel panorama delle adozioni internazionali, dicono concordemente i tre enti italiani autorizzati in Cina (Aibi, Ciai, Cifa onlus) che contano, al momento, circa 250 coppie in attesa di figli adottivi dal Paese del Sol Levante. Qualche decina di queste coppie, soddisferanno le loro aspettative entro l'anno. Con la Cina, l'Italia ha stipulato un accordo bilaterale in tema di adozioni. E questi sono i primi risultati.

Unico neo, i tempi. In Cina per le adozioni vige un doppio canale per altrettante liste di bambini adottabili. C'è un canale normale (per bambini sani e piccoli) e quello per gli “special needs”, “bisogni Special, "which are included older children (from 7-8 years old) or with underlying conditions or problems. For the latter list, the waiting times are short, even 6-8 months for the first no less than three years.

Apart from the top 20, they arrived in Italy only children "special needs". And so it will be until at least 2013. They are children of school age or ill. For the most part have no serious diseases and can be overcome, for example, are born with cleft lip, cardiac disease with reversible or deformed limbs that require surgery. From Italian couples, also appropriately selected and prepared, the willingness to accept a child with a problem is not an obstacle.

institutions are convinced that once you are in the scheme, after the first three years, the number of Chinese children who will become Italians could be respectable and compete with countries like Colombia and Ukraine are among the countries at the time of where the greatest number of children adopted.

"It's a country that bodes well - says Gianfranco Arnoletti, President of CIFA non-profit organization that initiated the relationship with China in 2010 and presently 38 records have been taken - the rest of the Chinese numbers are big. It should also be said that relations are good, fair, accurate. " "It works very well with China - Notes Graziella Teti, head of adoptions Ciai (24 Chinese children adopted) - are organized, standardized procedures and the uncertainties do not exist.
However, in contrast to these positive aspects, it happens that when faced with more requests for information, for example, the physical condition of the child's difficulties arise because the request comes from the usual. Compared to the number of adoptions, which is now very high for us, Italy is in line with developments in other countries. " Among other things - he continues - "China is the country that allows the greatest number of adoptions, about 3,500 a year. For this there is a large crowd of claims and long waiting lists. A scheme to increase the numbers significantly. "

It takes time to get up to speed. "In these days - Notes Monica Colombo, responsabile adozioni dell'Aibi (36 gli adottati cinesi; a fine settimana saranno 38) - sappiamo dal Centro cinese adozioni che stanno abbinando bambini a pratiche inoltrate nel maggio 2006.
Per il momento il numero di bambini adottati in Italia è molto buono ma è migliorabile. La Cina potrebbe diventare il primo paese di origine di bambini adottati in Italia. Anche le procedure sono buone, sono di tipo amministrativo e non giudiziario, le coppie restano nel paese solo 18-20 giorni».
Purtroppo i costi sono alti. Oltre alle spese di viaggio, alloggio e vitto, fino 9-10 mila euro per i complessi spostamenti interni, le offerte pseudoturistiche (agli aspiranti genitori sono proposte visite in siti artistici) e donazioni all'istituto.

SOURCE: The Haunting

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Mount And Blade Wedding Dance

La Cai cancella due enti

September 9, 2010
ADOPTIONS. Cai remove the two institutions
Benedetta Verrini source ""

This is Musa Sadiker and religious of the Congregation of St. Antonio

With two press releases published on the official website, the Commission for International Adoptions has informed the arrangements have been deleted from the authorized bodies to two bodies.

This Sadiker Musa, whose withdrawal was ordered in mid-July and notified to the institution on August 12, and the Congregation of the Franciscan religious of St. Anthony, whose withdrawal was ordered in mid-June.

Musa Sadiker, che aveva avviato nel 2001 le proprie attività, era operativo per Bulgaria e Macedonia. Dal 2001 al 2009 ha concluso in tutto 33 pratiche, 6 soltanto l'anno scorso.

Le religiose francescane di S.Antonio erano invece uno dei due enti storici autorizzati per il Guatemala, ma dal 2005 (anno d'inizio attività) al 2009 hanno concluso in tutto 4 adozioni, l'ultima nel 2007.

La Commissione ha fatto sapere che prenderà in carico tutte le procedure pendenti riguardanti le coppie che, alla data di comunicazione della delibera, risultano avere conferito incarico ai due enti. "La Commissione agirà affinché tutti possano concludere l’iter adottivo", si legge nella nota Cai. "Nei prossimi giorni le coppie riceveranno apposita comunicazione con tutte le informazioni utili e in seguito sarà indetto un incontro collettivo".
Sarà altresì cura della Commissione seguire gli adempimenti relativi al post adozione per le procedure già concluse con il tramite della Congregazione delle Religiose Francescane di S.Antonio e di Musa Sadiker, secondo le modalità che verranno in seguito comunicate alle famiglie interessate.

Scrapbook Catalog Pdf


Questa sera su Striscia la Notizia è andato in onda un servizio sulle adozioni internazionali in Romania, l'attuale presidente ha dichiarato che finchè è lui in carica l'attuale legge non verrà cambiata e quindi la Romania non riaprirà le porte alle adozioni.
L'inviato went into one of the many institutions, defeating reticence and fears and was able to interview some of the guys "guests", they testified that within the structure always, the days pass without doing anything marked only by the terrible punishment and barrel, they (the children interviewed were aged 16-17 years) was always told that the families wanted to adopt them and then harvested organs to disencentivarli by the desire to be adopted.
One of the boys shows a dossier that documents the adoption of his theory in 1992 when she was 7 years by an Italian couple, by that time the couple has made eighty cases in order to complete the adoption, and then embrace the child (almost adult), all cases won, and all documented, but the boy has never managed to leave Romania!
Tomorrow the second part airs on Channel 5 and at 20:35 hours the first part should be downloaded from the program.
Everything is designed to sensitize the public opionion, to make people aware of the situation in order to be able to do something because this absurd law is repealed.

Saturday, September 11, 2010


Seconda adozione : due anni

Although not the official juvenile courts of Venice takes two years on from their first-born to the family of the second application for adoption, to date there is no official communication and social services territoriali ne sono a conoscenza solo in modo ufficiosa e cioè tramite l'amara esperienza di coppie che si sono viste "rimandare a casa" all'incontro con il giudice con l'invito di ricominciare tutto l'iter dall'inizio.
La cancelleria adozioni sconsiglia almeno per il momento, probabilmente in attesa di una qualche ufficialità della cosa con conseguenti delucidazioni, di presentare la domanda prima dello scadere dei due anni anche considerando che la chiamata dei servizi sociali arriverà quanto tale termine è scaduto, per le adozioni internazionali certifica l'entrata in famiglia del minore la lettera Cai che autorizza l'ingresso in Italia.
La documentazione da presentare, e l'iter da seguire rimangono gli stessi.
Per any clarification please contact us.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Where To Get Pikachu In Silver

We Are The World 25 for Haiti - Official Video Michael Jackson Video

We Are the World 25 for Haiti is a charity single released February 12, 2010 and engraved by various artists.

Cover of the famous "We Are the World, played again for charitable purposes in 1985 by various artists and credited as USA for Africa, the incision was attended by dozens of artists internazionale.Il title "25 for Haiti" was added in honor of 25 years from the original version.

The song differs from the original for some parts of Rappa. The song also contains a speech Michael Jackson with a part made from a recording before his death. From Wikipedia

Monday, March 29, 2010

Constant Pubic Itching -lice -crabs


Friday, March 19, 2010

How To Thank People Destination Wedding

auction syringe that killed our Michael ...

Maybe put up for auction with a price base of five million dollars a lethal syringe that killed him last June, the King of Pop.

has not yet reached the anniversary of the artist's death, but the auctions are being followed with incessant rhythms and, as is now evident, with nuances rather bleak.

Maybe because it was already sold everything that could be sold, the famous sequined glove that Michael wore on the night he was born the famous dance step, the "Moonwalk", the hair burned, up to the treasures that same collection, often putting a strain on its own finances. The gruesome

sale would take place precisely on June 25, to mark the first anniversary of his death.

The fury is tinged with morbid tones of gruesome and baffling now they are doing not only discuss the billions of Jacko fans around the world, but also the family, that although he never disdained the business flourished thanks the death of the star and has fostered a vast process of commodification, now he rails against the last worthless found, in order to stop any possible way with the sale.

The investigation currently has only one guilty, Conrad Murrey, Jackson's personal physician, the same that would have injected the lethal anesthetic in high doses.

The doctor is now accused of omicidio colposo e quella che potrebbe essere una prova determinante al fine di chiarire meglio le terribili modalità della vicenda, è stata trafugata al fine di essere venduta su chissà quale cuscino rosso e a chissà quale leso mentale.

Pare che la siringa non sia più necessaria per la prosecuzione delle indagini, tuttavia le conseguenze che una simile vendita potrebbe avere a livello mondiale, sono a dir poco devastanti.

Oltre che ad essere un’azione di pessimo gusto, infatti, si andrebbe a creare un discutibile precedente, senza contare l’oltraggio alla memoria di un uomo scomparso in circostanze ancora non del tutto chiare.

Non è dato sapere a chi potrebbe interessare l’arma of the crime, if not usual collector of hideous trophies, what most disturbing is the continuing sorry and violence on a man who has now departed this life and that was loved and still love you for many, in which the memory will always remain alive and unchanged.

Respect for man should be put before the obsession for the artist, which, apparently, it can very difficult for those living in the obsession and passion for a genre, a field, a current, a philosophy or, in more severe cases, an artist.

But what concerns the distinction between a fan and a mental patient is not covered by these lines, which have The sole purpose of remembering a great innovator who is now once again offended by vile gestures, foolish and devoid of any morals.

No matter what good or bad and right and wrong has this man could do in life, will always remain a pioneer in the Art of Music and Dance. For this we want to remember and not a syringe that is now exposed as a dismal trophy.


Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Wrecking Aircaft For Sale

This Is It: The Movie DVD event of the year (from February 23, 2010) FINAL

The concert that has never staged
Background: The October 2009, the worldwide release of This Is It marked a record number of unthinkable. The day they are made available for advance sale tickets - one month before the film screening - end in just two hours, more than thirty thousand are selling within twenty-four hours. Everyone wants to secure a place on the couch to watch the behind the scenes of a concert canceled due to the sudden and untimely death of the artist who was preparing for a return to the stage that would revolutionize, once again, the experience of live . Besides Michael Jackson is the man who changed forever the concept of the exhibition live and making it a spectacular event ever and inspiring, with its choreography perfect, his moves from pop star, the generations to come. Then his last show never went on stage does not matter in terms of numbers, the docu-musical film directed by Kenny Ortega has earned $ 260 million worldwide in those two weeks that has seen the light the projector. A new record for a documentary, which is in addition to receipts from the dvd: released in America on 28 January has registered more than one million sales in its first day in stores. And now arrives in Italy.

The movie event of the year finally on DVD and Blu-ray
those who missed the chance to see the latest (non) Michael Jackson concert at the cinema can finally relax comfortably back and watch the event on DVD. The home video format, also available in Blu-ray, containing over ninety minutes of content and unreleased films, including two documentaries (Staging the return - The adventure begins and stage a return - Beyond the show) filmed backstage rehearsal, a special on the costumes of the show (The gloved one) and the exclusive Blu-ray, the short films of Smooth Criminal and Thriller - two of the greatest successes of the King of Pop - so far unpublished. As if that were not enough the DVD includes exclusive to the European market, tests, or a movie in which Kenny Ortega and production designer Michael Cotten reveal all the secrets and curiosities on the implementation of greatest show that never went on stage, but continues to move forward.

contents Special
Imagine being able to see with your eyes all the background to the most anticipated concert of the last twenty years. Imagine being able to slip in behind the scenes, sneak into rooms where they made the most glittering costumes, find out how they were selected dancers, hear them talk about their leaders, see in their eyes that spark of admiration mixed with ecstasy, attend the rehearsal and see how a show is born, not an ordinary one, but the greatest show that ever was conceived in the history of music. Finally, imagine that you review and find out Michael Jackson one side of the artist to which access was not available before. Watching him at work on that stage who would be his one, two, ten, fifty nights, if only he were still alive. You can imagine? Well, now you just need to press play. This is it! That vision begins.


Tuesday, February 9, 2010

How To Put Floor In Aluminum Boat

Sanremo 20/02/2010 - Payne and TREVIS ii + Michael Jackson tribute dancers

Monday, February 8, 2010

Preiods And Perimenopause

Samsung makes the film hard disk

arrives February 22 "This Is It," the film about the pop legend Michael Jackson and inserts it into the new Samsung hard disk portatile S2.

This Is It, film-documentario prodotto da Sony Pictures sulla vita del musicista e star del pop Michael Jackson, uscirà in Europa in DVD e Blu-ray il prossimo 22 febbraio. Il supporto ottico tradizionale non rappresenterà però la sola possibilità di acquistare e vedere il lungometraggio su Jacko.

Samsung ha infatti annunciato che, contemporaneamente al lancio del film sul mercato, renderà disponibile il nuovo hard disk portatile S2, un supporto da 500 Gb con la peculiarità di ospitare al suo interno il film in edizione integrale.

Sarà possibile perciò usufruire del file video contenuto nell'hard disk dopo have acquired the license on the Internet, which will be made available as soon as you insert the coupon code on the packaging. The movie file will be encoded with DRM discovery.

Curious to see the promotion of a film from Sony Pictures Samsung used to launch a product. Mysteries of marketing.


Monday, January 25, 2010

What Is A Brazilion Wax?

Even Jackson the children of the new Michael Jackson "We Are the World Michael Jackson and Diana Ross

In these days There is great excitement in the music world for the new version of the famous "We Are the World, the cover of the original recorded to celebrate 25 years since the first edition and to be able to help ulteriormente il popolo di Haiti devastato dal terremoto.
Molto si è già detto e ancora molto si dirà al riguardo fino al momento in cui il brano debutterà ufficialmente in occasione dei prossimi giochi olimpici invernali di Vancouver, il 12 febbraio 2010.
Dopo aver saputo la maggior parte dei dettagli per quanto riguarda i vari partecipanti canori al nuovo singolo, in questi giorni sono stati rivelati altri interessanti particolari sulle varie parti cantate dai vari artisti che hanno prestato la propria voce ancora una volta ad una buona causa.
Si sa che alla diva canadese per eccellenza Céline Dion è stato affidato il pezzo più difficile del brano, e che a Janet Jackson è stata affidata la parte 25 years ago that he had sung his brother Michael.
was recently revealed to Entertainment Tonight that Michael Jackson will be present in this version of the individual, but in a special way: they will, in fact, his children to take part in the project as well as 25 years ago had made their famous father.
So the end result promises to be already moving and it is hoped that many copies are sold to help rebuild the island of Haiti.
Small Paris, Prince and Blanket, however, does not sing, the children contribute to the introduction of the king of pop music, reading a poem written for the occasion by the great poet Maya Angelou at the request of Michael Jackson's own mother.


Sunday, January 24, 2010

Brazilian Waxed Puzzies

Including there has always been a special relationship ... hehe
Here's some video: